59. AL-HASHR - (The Exile)

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AL-HASHR- The Exile

Total verses: 24

As the second verse of this chapter mentions the first exile of the Jews for the first time it is named ‘Al- hashr’.

In the name of Allah ,the most Beneficent and the Merciful

1. Whatever is in the heavens507 and the earth exalt Allah.He is the Mighty,the Wise.

2. It is He who expelled the disbelievers(of only one God) among the people of the Book 27 from their houses at the first exile. You did not think that they would leave. They thought that their fortresses would protect them from Allah. Allah approached them in the way they had not imagined. He sowed fear in their minds. They destroyed their houses with their hands and with the hands of the believers, O people of knowledge learn a lesson.

3. And Allah would have punished them in this world had He not decreed their migration . In the hereafter, there is torment of hell for them.

4. The reason is that they remained enmical to Allah and His messengers. Indeed, Allah is severe punisher of those who are enmical to Allah.

5. It is only with th permission of Allah that you cut down (their) date-palm trees and left their roots uncut. He will humiliate those who committed wrong.

6. And for what Allah made His messenger seize from them, you did not ride any hourse or camel. But Allah empowers His messengers over whom He wants. Allah has power over all things.

7. And what Allah had made His messenger seize from the people of many towns, belongs to Allah, this messenger, relatives, orphans and the travellers 206. (He divides thus ) in order that (the wealth) should not be circulated (only) between the wealthy among you 195. And whatever this messenger gave you you receive it. From whatever he forbade, you abstain (from it). Fear Allah. Allah is a severe punisher.

8. (It belongs) to the poor who did ‘hijrah’460 and were expelled from their houses and their properties. They expect bounty and satisfaction from Allah. (They) help Allah and His messenger. They are the truthful.

9. And (it belongs) to those who adopted the faith and their towns before them. They love those who do ‘hijra’460 and come to them. They will not be prejudiced in their minds about what they were given. They give priorty for them (over themselves) eventhough they were in poverty. Those who were protected from their stinginess are the successful.

10. And those who came after them say “ Our God, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith. Do not cause hatred in our minds on the believers. O our God, You are kind and Merciful.”

11. (O Muhammad), do you not know the hypocrictes? They say to the disbelievers (of only one God) among the people of Book27 , “ If you are expelled then we will leave with you. We will not obey anybody ever in your matter. We will help you if a war is fought on you.” Allah gives witness to that they are indeed, liars.”

12. If they are expelled then they will never leave with them. They will not even help them if war is fought on them. And even if they should help them, they will surely run turning their backs. Then they will not be helped.

13. The fear about you in their minds is more than (the fear of) Allah. The reason is that they remain a people who do not understand.

14. They will not gather together to fight with you except from the fortified places or from behind the walls. The enmity between them is severe. You will think that they have gathered together. (But) their minds are scattered. The reason is that they are a people who do not understand.

15. (They are) similar to the people who have just gone before them. They tasted the result of their action. There is painful torment for them.

16. They are similar to shaitan who after saying to the man, “ Disbelieve ( only one God)” and when he disbelieves, he says, “Indeed, I am disassociated with you. I fear Allah, the God of the worlds.”

17. The end of both of them had to remain in the hell forever. This is the punishment for the unjust.

18. O believers, fear Allah. Let each person be mindful of the deed he put-forth for tomorrow. Fear Allah. Allah is knowing of what you do. 

19. And do not be like those who forgot Allah. He has made them forget themselves. They are the wrong doers.

20. The people of the hell and the people of the paradise are not equal. The successful are the people of paradise.

21. You will see, had We sent down this Quran on a mountain indeed ,it would have been humbled and crushed by the fear of Allah. (We) tell these examples to them so that, the people will understand.

22. He is Allah. Nobody is worshipful except Him. (He) is the knower of the hidden and the seen. He is the Beneficent and the Merciful.

23. He is Allah. Nobody is worshipful except Him. (He) is the Sovereign,the Pure 10(from all weaknesses) ,the Giver of peace, Giver of refuge,the Observer, the Mighty, the Controller and Worthy of pride.Allah is Pure 10 (from all weaknesses) from what they associate with Him.

24. He is Allah.(He) is the Creator, the Inventor and the Fashioner.He has beautiful names.Whatever in the heavens507 and the earth exalt Him.He is Mighty,the Wise.

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