61. AS SAFF - (The parade)

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Chapter : 61

As-Saff – The parade

Total verses : 14

As the first verse of the chapter mentions about the people who parade on the way of Allah, it is named ‘As-saff’

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth exalts Allah. He is Mighty, the Wise.

2. O believers, why do you say what you do not do?

3. What you speak which you do not do, causes Allah’s severe anger.

4. Indeed, Allah likes those who line up to fight in His way like a firmly joined structure.

5. And remind, what Musa said to his people , “O my people, why do you give me trouble eventhough you know well that I am Allah’s messenger? ” When they went astray Allah caused their minds to go astray. Allah will not show the right way to the wrong-doers.

6. And remind what Isa, the son of Maryam said, “ Children of Israel, I am Allah’s messenger (sent to you). I am the confirmer of ‘ Tawrath’491 Which went before me. conveyor of good news about the messenger named Ahmad who will come after me.25 ” When clear signs were brought to them they said, “This is a clear magic”282

7. And who causes very great injustice than the one who invents lies on Allah, when he is being invited towards Islam? . Allah will not show the right way to the unjust people.

8. They think that they can blow out with their mouths Allah’s light . Allah will perfect His light even if the disbelievers hate (Him).

9. It is He who sent His messengers with right way and true religion in order to make it supercede over other religions, even if those associate Him with others dislike it.

10. O believers, will I inform you a trade which will save you from the painful torment?

11. You will believe in Allah and His messenger and you will do ‘Jihad’ in the way of Allah with your wealth and your lives. If you (should) know then it is best for you.

12. He will forgive for you, your sins. He will admit you in gardens of paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. There are also pure dwellings in the permanent gardens of paradise. This is the great success.

13. And you have another (favour) which you love. (That is) the help from Allah and speedy victory. Convey good news to the believers.

14. O believers, When Isa, the son of Maryam, asked his disciples, “ Who will help me for Allah?.”The disciples said, “we are the helpers of Allah”. You also become the helpers of Allah like this . A section of the children of Israel believed. The other section disbelieved (Us). We strenghtened the believers in the matter of their enemies. So, they became successful.

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