46. AL AHQAF – (The Sand hills/Dunes)

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AL- AHQAF – (The Sand hills/Dunes)

Total Verses : 35

As the 21st verse of this chapter mentions about the preaching of the messenger Hud, standing on the sand hills, it is named ‘Al-Ahqaf’.

 PART 26

 In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha, Meem2.

2. (This) is revealed from Allah, the Almighty and the Wise.

3. We did not create the heavens,507 the earth and whatever between them but with proper reason and for a fixed period of time. The disbelievers of (Us) deny that about which they are warned.

4. (O Muhammad), ask, “Show me, What they have created on this earth, those whom you call besides Allah, or answer for (the question) do they have any share in the heaven.507 If you are true then bring me the Book, that went before or any evidence of knowledge”.

5. And who is more astray than the one who calls those who cannot give answer till the Day1 of Qiyamah, besides Allah? (But) they are not aware that they are called.

6. And when the people are gathered together they will be enemies to them. They will deny that they worshipped them.

7. And when Our clear verses were recited to them ,those who deny the truth, which has come to them, say, “This is a clear magic”.

8. And do they say, “He has invented it. (O Muhammad)say, “If I had invented it then you could not saved me from Allah even a little. It is He who knows well that in which you are (deeply) involved. He is sufficient to be the witness between me and you. He is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful”.

9. Say, “Iam not new among the messengers. I do not know what will be done to you or to me. I do not follow anything except what is revealed to me. Iam nothing but a clear warner”.

10. (O Muhammad), ask, “Give answer, if it had come from Allah, a witness among the children of Israel had testified to something similar and also believed, in such a state, if you deny (this) and become arrogant, then (what will happen)”. Indeed, Allah will not show the right way to the people who are unjust.

11. And the disbelievers (of only one God) tell about the believers, “If it had been better they would not have preceeded us to it”. When they did not get the right way with this, they say, “This is an old lie”.

12. And before this, Moosa’s book is a guide and a mercy. This is to warn the unjust, to give good news to those who do good, in Arabic489 language227. (It) makes (the books which went before) true.

13. Indeed, there is no fear to those who said ,it is Allah who is our God and then remaind firm. They will not also grieve.

14. Those are the people of paradise. They will remain there permanently. (This) is the reward for what they have done.

15. We enjoined on the man to do good to his parernts. His mother carried him with difficulty. She gave birth with hardship. The (period of) bearing him and weaning is thirty months314. When he becomes mature and reaches the age of forty, he says340, “My God, give me opportunity to be grateful for your favour bestowed on me and my parents and I will do the good deed which will be accepted by You. Make my progeny righteous for me. Indeed, I seek forgiveness from you. And indeed, I am one among the Muslims295”.

16. We will accept their good deeds done by them. We will forgive their misdeeds. They will be among the companions of paradise.(This) is the true promise promised to them.

17. But one said to his parents, “Do you both threaten me that I will be given life (again)? Fie, before me many generations have gone”. But they sought safety from Allah. They said, “Woe to you. Believe. Indeed, Allah’s promise is true”. For that, he said, “These are nothing but the tales of the fore-fathers”.

18. God’s order was confirmed againsed them along with the jinn’s and humanbeings , who went before. Indeed, they incurred loss .

19. And for them there are degrees suitable to what they have done. He will give full reward for their deeds . They will not be caused injustice.

20. And the Day1 , when the disbelivers (of only one God) were led before the hell, it will be said “It is you who have destroyed your good deeds in your wordly life . You found enjoyment in it. You are given this day humiliating torment and reward, for you were arrogant in the earth with out right and you have been commiting wrong.”

21. And remind , what their brother warned to the people of Aad, standing on the sand hills', “ You should not worship (anybody) except Allah. Indeed, I fear great torment in your matter.” Warners have gone before and after them .

22. They asked,“Have you come to turn us away from our gods? If you are truthful then bring us what you warn.”

23. He said, “ Knowledge (about this) is only with Allah. I convey to you that with which I was sent . yet, I consider you only as an ignorant group.”

24. And they considered it to be the clouds coming towards their valleys . They also said , “ This is a cloud bringing us rain.” It was said, “ No. It is only that to which you hastened. It is a wind, filled with painful torment.”

25. It destroyed every thing with its God’s permision. They met their morning in a state in which they could see (nothing) except their dewellings. Thus, We will punish the people who do crime.

26. And We had provided them, which are not provided to you . We made for them hearing, sight and mind. Their hearing, sights and minds did not help them when they where rejecting Allah’s signs. What they have been mocking surrounded them.

27. And We had destroyed many places surrounding you .We explain the signs so that they will repent .

28. Should not those gods, which were invented to bring closeness by them except Allah, have helped them? But, they disappeared , leaving them .This is their lie and invention .

29. And (O Muhammad ), remember that he sent a group of jinns to you in order to listen to the Quran .When they came to him, they said, “ Listen quietly” . They returned to their people as warners, when (the recitation) was finished .

30. They said , “O our people, we heard a Book revealed after Musa . It makes that which went before, true . It shows the way to truth and the right path.”

31. (They said), “ O our people , answer the caller of Allah. Believe him . He will forgive you your sins . He will save you from the painfull torrment .”

32. And (also said ), “Those who do not answer the caller of Allah can not win over Allah, on the earth. Besides Him there are no protectors for them . They are in clear error.”

33. Do not they think that Allah , Who created the heavens507 and the earth and do not get tired in creating them, has the power to resurrect the dead? Yes, He has power over all things .

34. And on the day, when the disbelievers (of only one god) will be presented before the hell, (It will be asked ), “ Is this not the truth?” . They will say, “ Yes, by the promise on our god.” (God ) will say, taste the torment as you were disbelieveing (me).

35. You also be patient like the strong-minded messengers who remained patient . Do not hasten their matter. On this day, they see that about which they were warned. They will (think) as if they had not lived in this world except for some time of a day . It should be conveyed. Will (anybody) be destroyed except those who committed crime ? 158

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