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314. The age upto which an infant can continue breastfeeding.

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314. The age upto which an infant can continue breastfeeding.

 Verses (2:233, 31:14) of the Quran say an infant continues to breastfeed up to the age of two. 

But verse (46:15) of the Quran mentions 30 months as the period including the days of carriage.

If one takes away 24 months as mentioned in the Quran as the duration for breastfeeding, the remaining is six months of carriage by the mother. Nobody has ever accepted the months of carriage by the mother as six months. Right from the time the Quran was revealed, it has been calculated as ten months of carriage by the mother. 

When everyone else mentions the carriage period by the mother as ten months, the Quran deliberately says the period is six months with a reason.

There is a hard fact hidden in what the Quran deliberately mentions as six months. This comes to light when research is undertaken to study the development of the fetus.

There is a difference in the shape of the human from that of other animals. Man enters the womb as semen, and develops sticking on to its walls. Then develop as a piece of flesh. During these stages of development the fetus does not take a human form, and resembles a goat at the stage without limbs etc, being formed. 

The piece of flesh that has developed at this stage cannot be differentiated as human or otherwise.

Only after this stage does the respective cells reach the appropriate locations to be developed into respective human organs. 

This message is conveyed differently in the following verse 23:14. of the Quran as follows : We made the fertilized egg into a piece of flesh and the piece of flesh into a bone, and dressed the bone with meat, and turned it into a different being altogether.

God says He turned it into a different being altogether indicating the condition of all are the same upto that stage. And only at a later stage does it take the shape of a goat, or a cow, or a human, hence the AlMighty names as a different being altogether.

In this verse, it needs to be noted the Almighty mentions as she carried man, and not the child. To know more on this topic please refer to explanation point No:296.

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