47. MUHAMMADH (The last messenger)

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Chapter – 47

Muhammad – The last messenger

 Total verses : 38

This chapter is named ‘Muhammad’ as the word ‘Muhammad’ is mentioned in the second verse of this chapter .

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the Merciful

1. (God) made waste, the deeds of those who disbelieve (in only one God) and prevent from the way of Allah.

2. And for such of those who believe and do good deeds, and belive in what has been revealed to Muhammad as the truth that has come from their God, He removes their misdeeds from them. He puts their state in order .

3. The reason is that disbelievers (of only one God) followed lies and the believers followed truth from their God. Thus , Allah gives examples for the people . 

4. If you meet the disbelievers (in the battle field), chop their necks 53. Finally, if you win then you strengthen the shackles ,till the fighters throw their arms down. Afterwards, you can either get ransom or leave them generously. This is (God’s) order. If Allah had wanted He (Himself) would have punished them. But, He tests484 the one with the other. Allah will never waste the deeds of those who were killed in the way of Allah.

5. He will show the right way to them. He will put their deeds in order .

6. And He will make them enter into paradise which He has informed to them .

7. O belivers , if you help Allah then, He will help you . He will make your feet firm .

8. And for those who disbelieve woe is for them . He destroyed their deeds and rendered them waste .

9. The reason is that they have been hating what Allah has revealed . So, He destroyed their deeds .

10. Have they not travelled on the earth and observed the end of those who went before them? Allah destroyed them from the roots . For those who disbelieve (Him) there awaits only such things.

11. The reason is that, Allah is the Protector of the believers and there is no (other) protector for the disbelievers .

12. Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do good deeds into the gardens of Allah . Beneath them rivers flow. The disbelievers eat and enjoy like the cattle . Their dwelling place is only hell .

13. And (O Muhammad), We have destroyed ever so many places which where stronger than the place which drove you out . There was no helper for them .

14. Is the one, who is in the clear religion (given) by his God, is like the one who followed his desire and his evil deed was shown to be attractive?

15. The status of the paradise promised to those who fear (God) is that there are rivers with water without any change (in taste or smell), rivers of milk, the taste of which does not change, rivers of wine, which give delight to those who drink and rivers of pure honey . There are all kinds of fruits for them and forgiveness from their God. Will they be like the one who will remain in hell permanently and was made to drink scalding water, which will cut their intestines into pieces ?

16. And (O Muhammad), there are people among them who listen to you. When they leave you, they ask (mockingly) to those who were given knowledge, “what was it he said just then ?” Allah has put the seal on the their minds. They followed their desire.

17. And for those who got the right way He increased the guidence and gave them piety (regarding Him) .

18. Do they expect any other thing except the coming of the Time1 to them, suddenly ? The signs of that have come . How will they learn the lesson when it comes to them ?

19. Know , “ There is no one worshipful except Allah” You seek forgiveness for your sins, for the believing men and the women. And Allah knows your place of action and place of rest .

20. 21. Those who believe say “ Should not a (one more) chapter be revealed ?” (O Muhammad), you will see, when a chapter which reaveals a firm opinion and also mentions about the war, those in whose mind there is disease will stare at you with the look of those who became unconscious due to (the nearness of ) death. so, obedience and speaking is better for them. If they behave truthfully with Allah, when the matter (war) became certain, it is better for them 26.

22 . Will you create corruption on the earth by denying and by trying to break your relationship(with your relatives) ?

23.It is them whom Allah has cursed 6 He made them deaf . He blinded their sights .

24.Should not they think about this Quran ? Or, are there locks on their minds for them ?

25.Indeed , shaitan showed it attractive to those who, after the right way was made clear to them, turned their backs . He told them tempting words.

26.The reason is that they said, to those who hated what Allah has revealed, “We will obey you in certain things.” . And Allah knows their secrets .

27.How will it be when the angels seize their souls, slap them on theirs faces and on their backs? 165

28.The reason is , they followed that which will cause anger to Allah and that they disliked His pleasure . so, He destroyed their deeds.

29.Do they think , in those minds their is disease that Allah will not expose their deceit ?

30.And (O Muhammad), had We wanted We would have showed them to you. You would know them by their mark . You also know them by the type of their talk , And Allah knows your deeds.

31.And We will test you in order to identify those who sacrificed and the patient among you . We will also test484 your matters.

32.Indeed , those who deny (the only one God), prevent from the unity of Allah and after the right way has become clear to them , act against this messenger , cannot harm Allah, even a little. He will destroy their deeds.

33.O believers,obey Allah. Obey this messenger. Do not waste your deeds.

34.Indeed,Allah will never forgive490 those who denied (the only one God) ,prevented from the way of Allah and then died as disbelievers.

35.Do not give a call for peace in the battle(field) losing courage. It is you who are superiors. Allah is with you . He will not decrease your deeds to you.

36.Their worldly life is only a sport and pass- time . And if you believe and fear (God) He will give you your reward . He will not demand your wealth from you .

37.You will act stingily , even if He compels you to part with it . He will reveal your deceit.

38.Know, there are also stingy(persons) among you ,if you are called to spend in the way of Allah . If anyone acts stingily then he causes stinginesss to himself . Allah is free of need.485 You are the needy. And if you turn, away then ignoring you, He will replace you with other (generation of ) people . Then, they will not be like you.

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