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508. No pride in being a member of a clan, caste, or tribe. 

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508. No pride in being a member of a clan, caste, or tribe.

These two verses of the Quran (49:13, 53:32) stress the fact that no one is superior by birth. 

Allah declares in verse 49:13 of the Quran, that he directly created a pair of human beings and the entire mankind originated from them. 

When it is declared the entire mankind is from a single source there cannot be any discrimination on the basis of birth is the message here. 

When a pair of babies are born to a set of parents, we do not not discriminate one baby from the other.

The Quran says this is the kind of brotherhood that has been fostered among men. 

Islam does not propound this as an impractical theory but has put this in to practice for the past 14 centuries.

The Christian faith also says the entire mankind is from Adam and Eve (Hawwa). 

But it needs to be noticed that only Islam has put this into practice and Christianity has failed in its efforts to do the same.

It can be seen their caste prefixes are added as a stigma, to the extent they have different places of worship for themselves. This is not the case with Muslims.

Naming Muslims on the basis of their previous caste is entirely eliminated the moment they gain entry in to Islam.

Though due to ignorance Muslims discriminate among themselves as Shias and Sunnis, there is no legal sanction in Islam for this.

This is due to the difference in the understanding of the Quran and the way of life of Prophet Muhammad.

If any from the Shias wishes to join the Sunnis sect they can immediately do so and vice versa is also possible. 

But a Dalit cannot do the same with caste Hindus.

All sects of Muslims including the Shias worship at Kabbah.

If man needs to worship the creator, there’s got to be an equal opportunity available to all, at an equal level. But in many non-Muslim places of worship this is absent. 

A person from a particular clan, caste, cleans washes himself, dresses anew and gets ready to worship the creator, whereas the same opportunity is denied to a different person from a different clan. 

The reason being said is they (the said underprivileged are not entitled to worship god directly, and the worship needs to be directed through the higher clan).

In spite of pleas from the underprivileged sect they have knowledge to worship, they are denied mercilessly even in places of worship.

We can accept the greatness of a person on the basis of his education, power, fame, etc., but greatness in the name of clan, caste, birth, that is claimed by people who did not make any effort towards making it is accepted by god, cannot be treated as god.

Privileges are not granted to any one in Masjids all over the world based on their clan, caste, power, wealth etc., this can be witnessed by any one all over. 

Whichever person presents himself for worship at the masjid first, occupies the first row and the one comes last stays at the last row

There is absolutely no compromise in this matter by Muslims.

Muslim Presidents of India like Zakir Hussain, Fakruddin Ali Ahmed, who attended the celebrative worship at Jama Masjid had to occupy the last rows in the Masjid because they were late comers.

No Muslim offered them any privilege, nor did they demand any, and such demands will not be entertained by any Muslim. 

They occupied the places that were available to them and were not escorted to the first row of worshippers. 

No special robes and headbands are offered to any one in any of the masjids in the world.

Hence Islam does not play its part in the name of God in doing injustice to humans. 

 When it is agreed everyone is from one single set of parents, there is absolutely no place for discrimination among humans either language wise or state wise within a country. 

This ideology changes the concept of discrimination even among nationalities.

Islam eliminates discrimination even outside the masjids, to the extent that people are ready to eat from a common plate.

These verses that talk about an end to discriminations among men and about the entire humankind from being created from a single set of parents send the concept of discrimination to their graveyard.

If there is an universal understanding about the concept of a single set of parents being the beginning of the human race the idea of discrimination on the basis of birth would never arise.

The division of the human race under clan, caste etc., would disappear the moment this is properly understood.

To know more about everyone is equal by birth and the difference among men can be measured only by one’s deed and to have a clear understanding about universal brotherhood and equality please refer to explanation points 11, 32, 49, 59, 141, 168, 182, 227, 290, 368

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