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492. Is the Quran the narrative of Jibril or Allah?

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492. Is the Quran the narrative of Jibril or Allah?

Verse (81:19) of the Quran seems to portray itself as the narrative of archangel Jibril.

Also verses (2:97, 16:102, 19:64, 26:193, 53:5) of the Quran convey the same idea.

Citing above quoted verses of the Quran some propagate a counter message saying Quran is not from Allah.

This kind of argument exposes their ignorance. For instance, when a chief minister of a state promulgates an order through a district collector it can be said to be the order from the chief minister or from the district collector. But everyone has an understanding that the order is from the chief minister. 

Though the district collector has the freedom to promulgate certain orders himself, archangel Jibril or for that matter any angel does not have the liberty to do things or convey messages to any one can be seen from the verses (7:206, 16:50, 21:19, 21:27, 66:6) o the Quran. 

Hence even if the Quran is said to be the narrative of archangel Jibil, the wise will understand it to be the narrative from that of the Almighty. 

Verse (2:97) of the Quran clearly states Jibril carried the messages of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad on the explicit command of the great God.

Had these people understood the method of revelation of the Quranic messages to Prophet Muhammad, they will refrain from confusing others and themselves in the procedure.

 Allah does not summon archangel Jibril each time to deliver a revelation. Prior to creating everything on this earth, Allah had everything registered in a book, up to his last creation yet in this world, and the whole universe is functioning as per His recording till now and will continue to function till the end of this world.

And in the book (that is with the Almighty with the entire records) will also be found details about Prophet Muhammad to be sent as the messenger of Allah with the Quran being revealed as a guidance to him for the entire mankind.

Please refer to explanation points 291 , 157, of this compilation to know more on this subject, and also to verses (6:38, 6:59, 9:36, 10:6, 11:6, 13:38,39, 17:58, 20:52, 22:70, 23:62, 27:75, 34:3, 35:11, 43:4, 50:4, 56:77,78, 57:22, 85:21,22) of the Quran. 

An incident that takes place at a certain period in history will relate to the revelation of a certain verse brought down by Jibril, on Allah’s command is all registered in the book. A view of creations and their functions on these lines will point out to the message being from Allah, and the voice rendered to the message is that of the archangel Jibril.

The message being from Allah, can be said to be the scripture of Allah and narrative since by the voice of the archangel can be termed as that of Jibril. Hence the Quran is a narrative of Jabril and message from the Almighty.

There ought not to be any confusion regarding the same. 

There is another reason for attributing the voice of Jibril as narration of the Quran. 

The reason can be seen spelt out in the verses of the Quran starting from 81:19 till the end of the surah.

When Prophet Muhammad conveyed to the people about the archangel Jibril delivering messages from Allah, they trusted his words and did not say he is lying, because they have not come across him lying at least once. They suspected him of having been duped by Shaitan.

Since they doubted the part played by Jibril a need arose to mention the name of Jibril to them.

These are the verses that follow 81:19

And your companion is not [at all] mad.

And he has already seen Jibril in the clear horizon. 

81:24Nor is he miserly (with knowledge) of the unseen. 

And the Quran is not the word of Shaitan the accursed.

Prophet Muhammad was not duped by the Shaitan, but he was delivered messages by the one who is close to the Almighty. Hence the need to divulge the name of Jibril the archangel and the words of the Quran as that of Jibril’s.

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