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490. Why does ‘the incomparable compassionate’ God refuses to forgive?

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490. Why does ‘the incomparable compassionate’ God refuses to forgive?

In verses (4:48, 4:116, 4:137, 4:169, 47:34, 63:6) of the Quran, we find the Almighty keeping away some from the purview of His forgiveness.

This is being questioned by those who are bent upon finding drawbacks and faults in Islam, saying a God who is limitlessly compassionate cannot keep anyone away from His compassion.

Such people who question the compassion of the Almighty are those who fail to understand the meaning of the phrase ‘God with limitless compassion’ Just as the attribute ‘the Almighty of limitless compassion is given to God, so is the attribute ‘the God who punishes severely’. 

The attribute ‘the God with limitless compassion’ means He blesses those whom He wills limitlessly.

And the attribute ‘A punisher with all severity’ means He punishes severely whom He finds deserving. 

Just because he is attributed with ‘severity while punishing’ nobody will understand Him as the One who punishes innocents.

 Similarly, one should not misunderstand that just because He is being attributed with ‘limitless compassion’ He will shower his blessings on unqualified people.

The meaning of the phrase ‘God with unlimited compassion’ remains true to its word as long as it is reflected appropriately, if not it turns out to be a farce.

For instance, we say fathers of some children have limitless love towards their children. Their children were not reprimanded by the father at any point of time, and we also believe that he would never do that in future. 

No one would call this kind of a parent a very loving person, on the contrary he would be named as a simpleton. He never reprimanded his children at any time or for any crime, this kind of a person will not be known as a kind one but a simpleton and a good for nothing fool.

Those who enjoy the benefits and blessings from Allah every second of their life, and are thankful to Allah’s servants for these gifts and after enjoying the things and organs from the great God, if they refuse to utilize the things, organs, power and an intelligence in the way required by Him can be tolerated for a few days, few months, but not endlessly, this would send a wrong message portraying Him as a good for nothing.

Because those who have accepted Allah as the only God and worshipped Him exclusively may have second thoughts if the evil doers are not punished, and follow the way others took in staying away from thanking the Almighty. Hence leaving people without any punishment for following the wrong path and spreading it is not love and blessing

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