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476. How far can a man be trusted?

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476. How far can a man be trusted?

In verse (2:282) of the Quran Allah says to get in writing when money is given as loan to others.

Most of the people get cheated by others because of their enormous faith in others. But Islam never says to repose faith 100% on anyone.

We can repose faith in a person after observing his out manifestations to an extent, but trusting someone on financial transactions needs to be done with more care. This is the guidance of Islam in matters of financial transactions. 

It tells us to have trust in someone inwardly, and behave outwardly like the other person cannot be trusted.

Quran’s command to get in writing, when lending money to others needs to be viewed on these lines of thinking.

There are those who question the lender if he does not trust them. The Quran gives guidance regarding the reply that may be given, without hurting their feelings, by saying the requirement in writing is the commandment of the Almighty and not due to the distrust of the borrower.

When writing own a document is not possible due to various circumstances an object can be obtained from the borrower in lien.

Prophet Muhammad has given a number of guidances taking an object in lien of the money that is being given as loan. If the requirement of obtaining a lien was there is no question of trusting anyone 100% in financial transactions.

When Prophet Muhammad borrowed, from a jew he deposited his safety helmet in lien of what he borrowed and did not question the lender whether he distrusted him.

Prophet Muhammad has preached when a person argues about the ownership of a particular property as belonging to him should submit evidence regarding, the same. From this we understand that in order not to be cheated by any one we need to prepare proofs for things we own. 

Islam guides us to write down the agreements entered into between two or more parties and not be carried away by verbal promises only to be cheated later. 

Similarly, Islam says to create witnesses for various transactions that takes place between people. If the stance of Islam was to repose total belief in persons completely, there is no need for creating witnesses when transactions of different types take place. Islam also says for the same reason to enquire completely about people. 

If the world follows the advises in Islam, there will be no incidences of people being cheated around.

I trusted him because he was a regular worshiper, I trusted him because he was wearing a long beard, I trusted him because he was a committed monotheist, I trusted him because he was the owner of a lot of properties but still, he has cheated me. The reason for the list of cheated people growing bigger and bigger is because the advice of the Quran has been thrown to the winds. And people need to be vigilant in dealing with all kinds of transactions as per the guidance in the Quran.

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