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304. Space travel is possible.

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304. Space travel is possible.

This verse (55:33) of the Quran clearly states there exists a possibility of man undertaking a travel in space, and also shows ways of turning it into a reality. This verse says unless a competence is innovated by man, it is not possible for him to cross barriers in space. 

During those days when the very thought of flying cannot be even imagined, the Quran has disclosed a possibility of space flight with specially acquired skills.

This verse addresses both humans as well as the jinns. The Quran says jinns can travel in space without acquiring any special skills. 

This should not be seen as contradictory statements of the Quran.

The jinns are naturally endowed with skills required for space travel. They can perform the task without any special equipments, whereas man has not been granted any such powers.Hence it has to be understood, if man can make ready such equipments, would make travel in space a possibility for him. 

Space travel is a possibility for man with limitations, and this possibility does not extend to the limits of the seven heavens under the custody of the Almighty. We have already explained in point No;307 about how jinns, and shaitans, are driven away with fireballs when they venture to gather messages from the heavens.

The Quran has proved itself to be the word of God, by disclosing 1443 years before about the possibility of space travel.

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