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233. Can a post/designation be demanded for?

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233. Can a post/designation be demanded for?

Verse (12:55) talks of Prophet Yusuf demanding from God to make him in charge of the world’s treasures. 

Prophet Muhammad said do not demand for powers. If it is granted on your demands you will be held entirely responsible. If it (power) is granted to you without your demand for it, you will be protected and helped by God.

Hadith Book: Bukhari (6622)

This should not be misconstrued as contradicting the above verse.

In the Quran we find the life history of Prophet Yusuf wherein it is stated , there is evidence to prove to those with questions. 

There is a precedent for us in this incidence of Prophet Yusuf asking for power to control the treasures of the world.

What we have pointed out from the above quoted Hadith is, power should not be demanded as a need to satiate power hunger or by ineligible persons. 

When we find a task can be better executed by us or when we are better qualified, there is no harm in demanding the powers to do the same.

Moreover the government of the time had framed and imprisoned Prophet Yusuf who demanded his right and power to be in the helms of affairs of such a government.

This is proof to demand rights and powers from uni Islamic rulers. 

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