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166. Life in the grave- a world of spirits.

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166. Life in the grave- a world of spirits.

There are numerous hadiths by Prophet Muhammad that say about the good enjoying peace and the evil being tormented in the world of spirits (the grave). And Muslims believe this. 

But some cite the absence of any mention regarding this in the Quran and deny the same.

Though The Quran does not make direct mention of this, Prophet Muhammad’s sayings are sufficient enough for us to understand the same. But the truth is, Quran does talk about the torment faced by the evil in the world of spirits.(in the grave) 

Verse (6:93),and (8:50), of the Quran say, when the angels take hold of the souls of the evil they would say” Today you taste the torment in disgrace.

An evil person does not go straight to hell on his death. Only after the whole world is destroyed, and after being judged on the ‘Day of Judgment” will he suffer the disgraceful torment.

But this verse says while the soul is being taken hold of “Today suffer the disgraceful torment” The torment referred to here is the one suffered by the evil as soon as they are dead and takes place in the grave. And Prophet Muhammad has already mentioned this, and is not against the Quran.

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