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134-Prophet Isa will be accepted by all as Prophet before he dies.

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134-Prophet Isa will be accepted by all as Prophet before he dies.

This verse 4:159 of the Quran says Jews and Christians will come to believe in Prophet Jesus in the right way in the last days.

Jews were declared enemies of Prophet Jesus, they did not accept him as God’s messenger, and declared him as an immoral child. The Christians accepted him albeit in wrong way as “Son of God” thus not according him due respect and by believing in the wrong way. Hence the Christians did not Believe Prophet Isa the way they should.

This verse (4:159) of the Quran predicts the absolute belief of these two sections (Christians and Jews) on Prophet Isa. 

Some people who fail to understand this prediction have done a wrong translation for this verse. 

Whom does the phrase (Illa layuminanna bihi) ‘without accepting him’ refer to. Unanimously all scholars agree that it refers to Prophet Isa.Because the previous verses talk about Prophet Isa referring to him.

.But at the same time some people get misguided in terms of defining the word ‘his’ in the phrase Qabla Maut Hi “before his death”

The phrase ”The people of the book” is mistakenly understood by some to mean as before their (the people of the book) death.

The phrase ‘Before his death ‘ in fact means ‘ Before the death of Prophet Isa.’

.There are two ways of perceiving this phrase in the light of Arabic grammar. The proper way to decide the correctness in meaning of such phrases is to summon facts from other verses regarding the same matter.

To understand the first translation is a wrong one, need not be established by facts from outside. The entire message resulting by this translation can be proved as false and a mockery can be established. 

!Look at the basic message this translation conveys.

The first translation conveys as , ‘The people of the book,everyone of them will accept Prophet Isa, before their death’.

This means ‘The people of the Book (ie) the Jews and Christians before their death will accept Prophet Isa in the exact way they should. 

As per this translation, the message conveyed here is, Jews and Christians because they accept Prophet Isa in the right perspective in their last days are believed to be dying with perfect belief. Hence there is no question of them being assigned to hell.

This translation contradicts many verses of the Quran reprimanding people for their stand on Monotheism. 

No one can accept that each Jew or Christian dies as a Muslim 

When we come to realize this translation is doubtlessly wrong, it is imperative that we accept the translation that says ‘the people of the book will accept Prophet Isa before his death’ as the right one. 

And also we come to understand Prophet Isa was alive at the time this verse was revealed , because if he had died already, the phrase ‘’ before Prophet Isa’’ couldn’t have been used..

Moreover the phrases are expressed in terms of a future happening and not as a past incidence. The message conveyed by this verse at the time of revelation is, the Jews and Christians would accept Prophet Isa in the right perspective before he dies.

Prophet Isa will descend from heaven in the last days of the world when everyone accepts Islam. and Prophet Isa would die, the hadiths saying all these happenings stand as explanations to this verse. 

Prophet Isa who was raised into the heavens, returning from there here is not to be wondered at. 

Living in a satellite era we can virtually see the descent of Prophet Isa seated in our homes, making everyone accept him and his words.

When the Quran conveys a message, we are not to refute it at the fancy of our opinion.When the Quran says “The people of the Book” would accept Prophet Isa at a time during the last days of the world before his death means, he is not yet dead. There is no need for a research regarding this.It cannot be said as “Before he dies something will happen’’ while talking about a person who is already dead. 

Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Abu Huraira (R.A) was quoted as saying to refer the verse in question if there are disbelievers in the return of Prophet Isa.

(Hadith Book Bukhari 3448.)

This verse stands testimony to the fact that Prophet Isa is not dead, and this combined with the verse prior to this is a strong proof.

The word ‘alaihi’ in this verse is translated as ‘he will bear testimony for them.’.

Some people argue the word “alaihi” as meaning ‘ he will stand witness against them’. When interpreted in this manner they argue ,it would sum up as standing witness against those who accepted Prophet Isa. .

No one would stand witness against those who accept them.When it is said in the Quran, Prophet Isa will stand witness against them for not accepting him in the exact way as expected, they argue the interpretation, (hence they will accept him in the last days of the world) as wrong.

The usage of the word ‘Alaihi’ does not necessarily translate to mean ‘Standing witness against them’ but can be taken as to mean’ bearing witness to favour them.

This word ‘Alaihi’ can be interpreted to have a dual meaning, depending upon the position or context it is used to mean either for or against a matter discussed

For example in verse 22:78 of the Quran we find a similar word used that cannot be interpreted to mean, as Prophet Muhammad to stand witness against Muslims.

In the verses 2:143, 4:41, 5:113, 16:89, 73:15 of the Quran similar words are found to be used, which are needed to be taken to mean as standing witness in favour and not as standing against.When we find the words so used to refer to good deeds then they are to be taken as favouring those deeds and standing witness to them ,and when used referring to some bad deeds or bad people to be taken as opposing those deeds and people. Hence based on the correct belief of Jews and Christians we need to take the meaning of this verse as favoring and standing witness to the good deed. 

To know more about whether Prophet Isa is dead or he will return alive to die ,please refer to explanation points 93, 101,133, 151, 278, 342, 456.

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