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133- Was Prophet Isa crucified ?      

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133- Was Prophet Isa crucified ?      

These two verses (4:157,158,) of the Quran speak of Prophet Isa being raised above by God unto Him. 

These verses reject the version of Prophet Isa being crucified.And these verses talk of Jews having killed another person in place of Prophet Isa.

Some people argue the words “ Raised him unto Himself “ as meaning in stature, this is a wrong annotation

Had it been said as, he was raised unto Himself, there would have been semblance of some proximity, to the meaning they allude, but here it cannot be taken in that meaning because of the addition of the word “unto Himself“

If the word ‘Rafha’ needs to be taken as meaning ‘increase in stature, it has to be accompanied by words such as power, fame, qualification, society etc.

For example Allah says in the Quran verse 19:57. He raised Prophet Idris to a higher stature.

But while talking about Prophet Isa Allah says meaning we raised him with his body and soul.

The word Rapha is used to denote the raising of our hands while worship. .This does not mean “status” of raising the hands,but raising the hands themself. .

The next verse 4:157 also declared along with various other evidence that Prophet Isa did not die. 

The correct interpretation of this verse is Prophet Isa was raised unto Himself with his body and soul.

To know more about whether Prophet Isa died or was raised above in body and soul, please refer to explanation points 93, 101, 134, 151, 278, 342, 456.

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