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82. Wages for those involved in spreading the message of God. 

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82. Wages for those involved in spreading the message of God. 

This verse (2:273) of the Quran says those involved in spreading the message of God should be paid more attention and given due importance. 

Generally, everyone knows the needy should be taken care of. 

A person in addition to being poor also devotes considerable time in spreading the message of God. The reason he is poor is due to his involvement in virtuous work resulting in him being needy and poor.

Allah in this verse (2:273) encourages people to take special care of such persons because they are not only needy but also spend considerable time in the spread of the message of God.

One should not find fault with persons devoting their entire time towards the spread of God’s message, rather this attitude should be appreciated is what is conveyed here. 

And such persons who involve themselves in the work of God, should not ask for alms or lose their self-respect because they do not have the means to any form of income. 

They should stand steadfastly in not asking anyone for alms. Islamic government and the Muslim community should come forward to help those who are involved in the work of spreading the message of God, or these people stand to lose their dignity once they seek alms.

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