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78. Do we need to give away things we love as charity? 

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78. Do we need to give away things we love as charity? 

This verse (3:92) of the Quran seems to convey to some, there is a need to give away as charity only the things they love most.

This should not be understood as we need to give as charity only the things we adore, and not the things with us that we dislike. 

And it should not also be taken as to donate everything we like. 

Some have a tendency to donate things only which they dislike. Donating things we dislike and keeping back things we love should not be our attitude towards charity, is the message conveyed here.

There is a difference between things you like and from things you like.

The phrase ‘from things we like’, means at least some of the things from which we would not like to part with.

We can donate good things that we dislike. It is not a bad act.

Allah is putting us on a trial to see whether we are practicing charity to please Him or to get rid of unwanted things.

 When a person gives charity things he dislikes as well as things which he loves, he is considered to have done charity in the true sense.

But when he gives away things entirely, he dislikes means he is just disposing of things unwanted by him, and not for the sake of pleasing God. 

This is the basic message that Allah alludes to when he says charity ‘from what you like’.

To know more please refer to explanation point no;80. 

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