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57. The months for performing Haj. 

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57. The months for performing Haj.

Verse 2:197 says performance of Haj should be in the known months. 

We perform Haj in the month of Dhul Haj, but here the months are mentioned in plural.

In the Arabic language there is a word structure wherein a provision to denote only two things known as dualism, just as there are singular, plural etc. Anything more than three is considered plural in Arabic language and not just anything more than one. The months of Haj as mentioned here is either three or more than three.

How do we need to understand? Is it to be taken as three months or more? And how do we know which those months are is the question that needs to be responded to. 

There is no mention of the names of the months in the Quran. But let’s find how to derive those months from the phrase ‘the known months’ mentioned here. 

From the above-mentioned phrase, it can be understood when at the time of revelation of this verse Prophet Muhammad, and the people of the time were aware of the months of pilgrimage. So here we need to realize that God endorsed the months that were already known by the Prophet Muhammad and the people of his time. 

Take for example Ibn Umar (RA) when he said:

‘Shawwal, Dhul Khaidha, and ten days of Dhul Haj are the months for performing the Haj pilgrimage. 

Hadith Book: Haakim. 

Generally, when the pilgrimage of Haj is performed during the month of Dhul Haj how can one consider the months of Shawwal and Dhul Khaidha also as Haj months is the question that needs to be answered. 

In our explanation point No;56 we have explained there are three types of Haj pilgrimage that are performed. 

Out of the three, one known as Tamattu Haj starts in the month of Shawwal when people who undertake to perform it don the Ihram perform Umra and stay within the limits with Ihram and perform Haj at the appropriate time. In this case the months of performance of Haj is counted as three months. On this basis the months of Haj are calculated as multiple.

Please refer explanation point Nos;18, 36, 39, 50, 55, 56, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 154, 164, 244, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 358, know more about following the commandments of the Quran and the guidance of Prophet Muhammad

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