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56.The three categories of Haj. 

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56.The three categories of Haj.

This verse 2:196 talks of a category of haj known as Hajj-at-Tamattu. What is Hajj-at-Tamattu, is there any other type etc.; such details cannot be found in this verse or any other in the Quran. But we can find the explanations for these in the hadiths. Therefore, to know the correct meaning of the verses of the Quran, we find the necessity for hadiths is what the message conveyed here. 

The details:

1. Having decided to perform the Haj alone and executing it. 

2. Performing Haj and Umrah at the same time doing the same Ihram. 

3. Breaking free of the Ihram after having finished the duty of Umrah first, staying in Makkah to perform the Haj at the appropriate time wearing the Ihram.

The third category mentioned above is known as Hajj-at-Tamattu. 

All acts done by the residents can also be carried out by those who perform this Hajj-at-Tamattu, between Umrah and Haj. Those who perform this type of Haj are required to make an animal sacrifice for having done the above acts and deeds, is conveyed in this message.

 Though Allah has mentioned Hajj-at-Tamattu in general in the Quran, Prophet Muhammad has elaborated on it.

To understand the holy Quran correctly, the need for Prophet Muhammad’s explanation is essential and can be understood here. 

To know more about the necessity for Prophet Muhammad’s guidance along with the commandments of the Quran, please refer explanation points 18, 36, 39, 50, 55, 56, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 154, 164, 184, 244, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 352, 358, 430

57. The months for

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