Chapter : 70
Al-Ma’arij – ways of Ascent
Total verses :44
As the third verse of this chapter mentions this word ‘the ways of ascent’, it is named ‘Al- Ma’arij’.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, and the Merciful.
1,2,3. A supplicant asks about the torment which will occur to the disbelievers (of only one God) from Allah, the possessor of the ways of ascent26.
4 . The angels and ‘Gibrail’444 will ascend to Him in a day which is equivalent to fifty thousand years293 .
5. So, keep a gentle patience.
6. Indeed, they see it (as) distant.
7. But we see it (as) near.
8. On that day, the heaven507 will turn into a melted copper.
9. And the mountains will turn into flakes of wool.
10. And no friend will enquire about another friend.
11. 12, 13,14. They will be shown to each other. Then, a sinner will desire26 to ransom his sons, his wife, his brother, the relatives who sheltered him and whoever in the earth, in order to free himself from the torment of that Day1.
15 .Not so. Indeed, it is a great fire.
16 . It will remove the skin.
17,18. It will invite the one who turned back and hoarded (the wealth).26
19. Indeed, mankind was created(by nature) impatient.
20. When harm occurs to him, he is shocked.
21. When good occurs to him, he prevents (others) from giving.
22. Except the praying (obeservers of prayer).
23. They will be steadfast in their prayer.
24. 25, And from their wealth, there will be right26 for the pettitioner and the destitute.
26. And they will believe in the Day1 of judgement.
27. And they fear the torment of their God.
28 . Indeed, the torment of their God causes fear.
29. 30, They will safeguard their chastity except from their wives or their slave women107. Indeed, they are not to be humiliated26.
31. The transgressors are those who seek beyond it.
32. And they will keep their truth and their agreement.
33. And they will establish their testimonies.
34. And they will guard their prayer.
35. It is they who will be honoured in the gardens of paradise.
36, 37. (O Muhammad), what happened to the disbeliever? They rush at you from the right side and from the left side in (separate) group.
38 . Does every person among them want to be sent to the paradise of pleasure?
39 . It will not be, Indeed we created them, from that which they know.
40 .41, I swear by the God of the Easts and Wests335. We have power to replace them with others who are better. We are not to be defeated.
42. Leave them to be immersed in vain (thing), and play till they meet the Day1 which they are warned about.
43. On that day, they will come out of the graves quickly like those who hasten towards their altar (the place of sacrifice).238
44. Their eyes will be humbled. The humiliation will surround them. That is the day about which they are warned.
70. AL MAARIJ - (ways of Ascent)
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