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293. Relativity Theory as explained in the Quran.

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293. Relativity Theory as explained in the Quran.

This verse (70:4) of the Quran says 1 day equals 50,000 years.

Even people who lived in the past century could not have come to terms with the concept that 1 day is equal to 50,000 years ( i.e) 1,82,50,000 days.

Before Einstein could discover that the duration of a day depends on the speed at which man travels, there was a general belief that the duration of a day will never vary.

For example if a man aged 25 years keeps travelling upwards at the speed of sound (3,00,000 kms/hr), and returns to earth after 50 years, many people of his age would have died, or those alive would have reached the age of 75 years.

But that person who had been travelling at the speed of light would return as a young man aged 25 years. This is a fact though many intellectuals of today find it hard to believe.

This ‘Theory of Relativity’ discovered by Albert Einstein in the year 1905, was declared by Prophet Muhammad some 1443 years ago, without any knowledge of science those days.

Nobody had knowledge of this fact, except the Almighty. Hence it is asserted this knowledge was revealed to Prophet Muhammad from the Creator’s side.

Verses (22:47), and (32;5) of the Quran say “your 1000 years of days is equal to 1 day in Almighty. Whereas verse 70:4 says it is equal to 50,000 years. Some may find this contradictory.

There is no doubt one thousand and fifty thousand are contradictory. But when we find the two verses conveying two different messages, contradiction disappears.

Anyone observing the words of these two verses would find two different things conveyed. 

Verse (70:4) talks of the speed at which the angels return to the heavens from earth. It talks of the angels created from light travelling at 50,000 years = 1 day speed (i.e) 1 day of the Almighty is equal to 50,000 years or 1,82,50,000 days in the material world.

Which again works up as 1 second = 211 days in this world. 

This is how verse 70:4 describes the speed at which the angels travel.

Verse 32:5 talks about the speed at which the commandments reach earth and return. The Almighty issues billions of commandments every second. 

Everything in this world takes place as per his commandments.

This verse speaks of the speed at which these commandments reach the earth and go back. 

Verse 22:47 speaks of the speed of the commandments. The enemies of the messengers of God said “ We deny God, if there is one let His wrath be fall us”. To this the Almighty replies in verse (22:47) of the Quran “ If I send a response it will reach them at a speed of 1 day equalling 1000 years. 

That is to say, the commandment of Almighty reaching a distance would take the same to be covered by man in the ratio 1:3,65,000.

Talking in another term, it would take more than four days for a man to reach a distance covered by God’s commandment in one second.

The fastest speed discovered by man is that of light, hence the speed of the angels could be found to be fifty times more than light.

There would not be any contradiction if one can understand the difference between the one thousand and fifty thousand are for two different tasks.

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