38. SAAD – (14th letter of the alphabet in the Arabic language)

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SAAD – 14TH letter of the alphabet in the Arabic language

Total Verses : 88

 This chapter is named 'Saad' because the letter 'Saad' is mentioned in the first verse of this chapter.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Saad. By the promise on the Quran which contains the teaching.

2. The disbelievers (of only one God) are in pride and contradiction.

3. We have destroyed ever so many generations before them. Then they cried out. That was not a time for escape.

4. And they were surprised when the warners came from among themselves. The disbelievers said, "He is a liar and a magician".

5. (Said)"Has he made the gods (only)one God. Indeed, it is a surprising news."

6. And the eminent among them said,"Go away (from him). Be firm in the matter of your gods.Indeed, this is a matter said in expectation of something."

7. (Also said )"We have not heard in any other religion.This is nothing but a fabrication."

8. (Also ask)"Has the teaching been revealed (only) on him among us?"But they are in doubt about My teaching.(Till now) they have not tasted My punishment.

9. Do they have the treasuries of the bounty of your God , who is the Almighty and the Bestower?

10. Or do they have the rule of the heavens507 and the earth and whatever between them? Then, let them ascend through ladders.

11. The little army which remains here is an army which will be defeated.

12,13. And before them, the people of Nuh, Aad, Firauwn, who had a big army, the people of Tamud, the people of Lut and the people of the thicket (or Madyan) also considered (it) lies. They were the people (who were defeated)26 .

14. Everyone (among them) did not but consider the messengers liars. So, they deserved Our suffering.

15. And they did not expect any other thing but a big sound. There is no delay for that.

16. And they ask, "Our God, You give us our share (in the world) before the Day1 of judgement".

17. (O Muhammad),be patient about what they say. Remind about Our servant Dawud, the strong one. Indeed, he was the one who often turned towards (Us).

18,19. Indeed, We facilitated, in the morning and in the evening, the mountains and all the birds together, to praise Us, along with him. Everyone of them was in a state of returning only to Him26.

20. And We strengthened his rule. We gave him wisdom and clear interpretation.

21,22. And they said26, "Do you know the news of the litigants (who came to file a suit)? He was shocked on seeing them when they came to Dawud, crossing the place of prayer. "Fear not. We are two litigants transgressing one on the other. You give honest judgement between us. Do not commit mistake. You lead us in a right way".

23. One (of them) said, "Indeed, he is only my brother. He has ninety nine sheep. For me there is only one sheep. He asks me to leave that also in his possession. He has superceded me in his argument."

24. Dawud said, "He has caused injustice by asking to add your sheep to his sheep. Most of the partners among you cause injustice to one another. Except those who believe and do good deeds. They are only a few". Dawud understood that We tested him.484 He asked for forgiveness to his God. Fell in prostration and repented337 & 396.

25. So, We forgave that to him. He has with Me nearness and a beautiful dwelling (place).

26. O Dawud, indeed, We made you a khalifa46 on the earth. So, give honest judgement among the people. Do not follow your desire. That will lead you astray from Allah's way. Those who lead people astray, as they are forgotten the Day1 of judgement, for them there is severe suffering.

27. And We have not created the heavens507 , the earth and whatever between them, in vain. This is the opinion of those who disbelieve. For those who disbelieve there is woe called hell.

28. Will We make those who believe and do good deeds like the corrupters on the land? Or will We make those who fear Us like the sinners?

29. This is a blessed Book. We revealed it to you so that they will think about the verses and the wise will learn a lesson.

30. And We gifted Sulaiman to Dawud. He was a righteous servant. (He) will return (to God).

31,32. In the evening time, when trained horses were presented before him and when they finally disappeared behind the veil, he said26, "I have preferred this good thing without remembering my God".

33. (He said), "Bring them again to me" and rubbed their legs and necks.

34. And We certainly tested484 Sulaiman. We put him on his throne as a body. Then he repented338.

35. He said, "My God, forgive me. You bestow me such a rule that should not be given to any body after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower".

36. We subjected the wind to him. It blew obeying according to his order, as he had intended.

37,38. And among the shaitans, We subjected (to him) the builders and the divers of pearls and others in shackles26.

39. (We said), "This is Our bounty. Either you can give it to others without any account or you can keep it to yourself".

40. And indeed, for him, there is a nearness and a beautiful dwelling.

41,42. And remind, Our servant Ayub, when he prayed to God, "Indeed, shaitan has touched me with suffering and torture". (We said), "You stamp with your leg, here is the cool place for taking bath and drink"26.

43. And We gave him his family and with them their like. This is the Mercy and teaching for the wise, recited from Us.

44. (We said), "You take a handful of grass and srtike. Do not break your promise"339. Indeed, We found him to be patient. Indeed, he was an excellent servant. He will be returning (to Us).

45. And remind Our slaves Ibrahim, Isac and Yaqub who were strong and thinking.

46. Indeed, We selected them specially in order to remember the hereafter.

47. And indeed, they were to Us excellent (among) the selected.

48. And you also remind Ismail, Alyasa'a and Dhul-kifl. They were also excellent.

49,50. This is the teaching. Indeed, for those who fear (God) there are permanent gardens of paradise with open gates, as dwelling place26.

51. They will recline in it and ask for abundant fruits and drink.

52. And for them there are young women8 of equal age with down-ward (chaste) sights.

53. This is what is promised to you on the Day1 of judgement.

54. Indeed, it is Our wealth. There is no end to it.

55. (Here) it is. There is evil dwelling place for the transgressors.

56. They will only char in the hell. That is an evil place for dwelling.

57. (Here) it is, the scalding water and purulence. Let them taste it.

58. And there are also many other things like this.

59. It will be said (to the leaders who remain in hell), "This troop will be joining you". (The leaders who remain in hell) will say, "There is no reception for them. Indeed, they are also going to char in hell.

60. These will say, "That is not so. For you also there is no reception. It is you who brought this upon us. It is an evil dwelling place".

61. They will also say, "Our God, give mani-fold increase in the punishment in hell, for those who brought this to us".

62. And they will ask, "Why do we not see the people (in the hell) whom we considered bad?"

63. Did we make them laughing-stock (even though they were good)? Or do (our) sights turned away from them?

64. Indeed, this quarrel among the companions of hell is true.

65. (O Muhammad), say, "I am only a warner. There is no one worshipful except the only one Allah, the firm Ruler".

66. (He) is the God of the heavens,507 the earth and whatever between them. Almighty and often Forgiving.

67. Say, "This is a great news".

68. You ignore it.

69. There is no knowledge about the elites (angels) to me when they disputed380.

70. Except that I was a clear warner nothing was revealed to me.

71,72,73,74. when your God said to angels, "Indeed, I am going to create man from clay368 &503; when I fashioned him and breathed from My soul into him you fall obeying to him".11 Except Iblis509 all the angels obeyed. He became proud. He became among the disbelievers26.

75. (God) asked, "What prevented you from obeying Me when I created you with my two hands? Have you become proud? Or have you become high?"

76. He said, "I am better than him. You created me from fire. You created him from clay"503.

77,78. (God) said26, "(You) get out from here. Indeed, you are expelled. Indeed, My curse is on you till the Day1 of judgement6".

79. He asked, "My God, you give me time till the day they are resurrected".

80,81. God said26, "Indeed, you are given time till the Day1 which includes the appointed time".

82,83. (Shaitan) said26, "By the promise on Your honour, I will mislead all of them except your selected servants".

84. (God) said, "This is the truth. I speak only the truth".

85. (God said), "I will fill the hell with you and all from among those who followed you".

86. (O Muhammad), say, "I have not asked any reward from you for this. I am not the one who fabricate in telling of my own accord".

87. This is nothing but a teaching to the people of the worlds.

88. And you will know the news about this after a short period.

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