37. AS-SAFFAT- (Those arranged in ranks)

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AS-SAFFAT- Those arranged in ranks

Total Verses : 182

This chapter is named ' As-Saffat' because the word 'As-Saffat' is mentioned in the first verse of this chapter.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. By the promise on those who stand in ranks379.

2. By the promise on those who severely drive.

3. By the promise on those who preach the teaching.

4. Indeed, your God is only one.

5. (He) is the God of the heavens,507 the earth and whatever between them. He is also the God of (directions of the sunrise) the Easts.

6. Indeed, We have adorned the first (lowest) heaven507 with adornments called stars.

7. (And We made them) protection from every rebellious shaitan307.

8, 9, 10. They cannot hear from the high assembly (called angels) except the one who eavesdrops (a few words). From every side (that) will be thrown, in order to drive (them) away. Bright (burning) torches will chase them307. There is permanent suffering for them26.

11. Ask them, "Are they strong creations? Or those We have created". Indeed, We created them from the sticky-clay368&503.

12. Yet, you are surprised. But they mock.

13. And they do not learn a lesson when they are advised.

14. And they mock even when they see the sign.

15. And they say, "This is nothing but a clear magic".

16,17. (They ask)26, "Will we and our fore-fathers be resurrected when we die and become dust and bones?"

18. Say, "Yes. You are humiliated".

19. That is only one sound. At once they will see.

20. Then they will say, "Woe to us, this is the Day1 of judgement".

21. It will be said, "This is the Day1 of judgement, which you considered a lie".

22,23. Gather together those unjust, those who assisted them and that which they worshiped except Allah. Show them the way to hell.

24. (And it will be said to the angels), "Indeed, they are to be enquired; hold them still".

25. (It will be asked), "What happened to you? Why do you not help each other".

26. It will not happen thus. They are those who have surrendered, this Day1.

27. And they will enquire seeing (meeting) each other.

28. (A few) will say, "Indeed, it was you who were controlling us".

29. (A few) will answer, "No. It was you who were not believers".

30. And we had no power over you. But, it was you who were the transgressing group.

31. (They will say), "So, against us, our God's order has been confirmed. Indeed, we taste (its effect)". 

32. And (they will also say), "We misguided you. We remained misguided".

33. Indeed, they will be companions, on that day, of suffering.

34. Thus, indeed, We will treat the sinner.

35. Indeed, when it was said to them, "There is no one worshipful except Allah", they were only boosting.

36. And they ask, "Will we leave our gods for the sake of the mad poet?468"

37. That is not so. He has only brought the truth. He makes the messengers true.

38. Indeed, you have been tasting the painful suffering.

39. And you will not be rewarded except for what you have been doing.

40. Except Allah's selected servants.

41,42, 43. For them there are known fruits in the beautiful gardens of the paradise. They will be treated honourably26.

44. They will face each other in the couches.

45. Cups filled with flowing water will pass around them.

46. That is white and will be delicious to those who drink.

47. There is no harm in it. They will not (loose their sense) be intoxicated.

48,49. And with them, large- eyed women8 with downward eyes (look), will remain like the hidden eggs. 

50. Among them one will enquire the other.

51,52, 53. One of them will say26, "I had a friend who would say, do you indeed one of the believers (in the hereafter)? Will we be given reward when we die and become dust and bones?"

54. (God) will ask, "Do you (want to) look down?"

55. And when he looks down he will see in the middle of the hell.

56. (He will say to the companion of the hell), "By the promise on Allah you tried to push me in to the pit of the hell".

57. I would have also become one of those who have been brought to (the hell) had it not been for the Mercy of my God.

58, 59. And also ask him26, "Are we not to die except for the first death? Are we not to be punished?"

60. Indeed, this is the great victory.

61. Let those who work, work only for such.

62. Is it the best dwelling? Or the 'Zaqqum' tree?

63. Indeed, We made it a test for the unjust.

64. Indeed, it is a tree that comes out of the bottom of the hell.

65. Its shoots are like shaitan's head.

66. And indeed, they will eat from it. They will fill their stomachs with it.

67. Indeed, for them in addition, there is a drink of scalding water.

68. Indeed, in addition, their return is only hell.

69. Indeed, they saw their fore-fathers in astray.

70. They are also dragged only on their foot-steps.

71. And they saw most of their fore-fathers had gone astray before them.

72. And We sent warners to them.

73, 74. Observe, "Except for the selected servants of Allah, what was the end of those who were warned".

75. Nuh certainly prayed to Me. We are the best of the acknowledging.

76. And We saved him and his family from a great grief.

77. And We made his progeny to be the survivors.

78. And We established his name among those who who will come later.

79. Peace be upon Nuh among the people of the worlds159.

80. Indeed, thus, We give reward to the good.

81. Indeed, he was Our believing servant.

82. Then We drowned the others.

83. And indeed, Ibrahim is only from his progeny.

84, 85. Remind,26 when he came to his God with pure mind, what he said to his father and to his people, "What do you worship?"

86. Do you desire false gods besides Allah?

87. (He asked), "Then what is your thinking about the God of the worlds?"

88. And then, he saw the stars carefully.

89. And he said336, "Indeed, I am sick".

90. They departed leaving him.

91, 92. He went to their gods and asked26, "Will you not eat? Why do you not speak? What happened to you?"

93. And then he went (near) them and hit them hard.473

94. They (people) hastened towards him.

95, 96. He said26, "Do you worship that which you have chiselled? It is only Allah who created you and what you have made."

97. They said, "Build a building for him and throw him into the fire".

98. And they thought of plotting against him. We humiliated them.

99. He said, "Indeed, I go to my God. He will show me the way".

100. He asked, "My God, You give me (as a progeny) a righteous one".

101. We conveyed him a good news about a forbearing male child.

102. And when he (Ismail) reached a stage of working with him,he said,"O my dear son, indeed, I saw as if I was sacrificing you in a dream.After thinking tell me your view."He answered," O my father,do as your ordered.You will see me patient if Allah wills."

103,104,105. And when both of them obeyed and he (Ibrahim) put his son face down ,We called him and said, "O Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the dream. Thus, indeed, We reward the doers of good."

106. Indeed, this is the grave test.

107.And We substituted a big sacrificial animal for him.

108.And We established his name among those who will come later.

109.Peace will be upon Ibrahim.159

110.Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.

111.Indeed, he is one of Our believing servants.

112.And We convey a good news about the righteous prophet Isac.

113.And We sent the blessing on him and on Isac.There are also good among the progeny of the two.There are also those who caused clear harm to themselves.

114.And indeed, We blessed Musa and Harun.

115. And We saved both of them and their people from great grief.

116.And We helped them .So, they became successful.

117.And We revealed a clear Book to both of them.

118.And We showed the right way to both of them.

119.And We established their name among those who will come later.

120.Peace will be on Musa and Harun.159

121.Indeed,We thus reward the doers of good.

122.Indeed both of them were Our believing servants.

123.And indeed, Ilyas was also one of Our mesengers.

124,125,126,127 And when he said to his people, "Will you not fear? Do you pray to the idol called 'Ba'l' ignoring Allah, who is the excellent creator, your God and the God of you fore-fathers?" They considered him to be a liar. They will be returned (to Us)26.

128. Except the selected servants of Allah.

129. And We will establish his name among those who will come later.

130. Peace will be on Ilyas159.

131. Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.

132. Indeed, he was one of Our believing servants.

133. And indeed, Lut was also one of Our messengers.

134,135. Remind26, that We saved him and all his family except the old woman (wife) who remained behind (with the sinners).

136. Then We destroyed them completely.

137,138. And indeed, you pass by them in the morning and in the night. Will you not understand?26

139. And indeed, Yunus was one of the messengers.

140,141. When he ran hiding to the ladenship, they drew lots. He became among the losers26.

142. When he was humiliated the fish swallowed him.

143,144. And he would have stayed in its stomach, till the Day1 they are resurrected, had he not prayed (to Us)26.

145. We threw him in the open land while he was ill.

146. And We made a vine of gourd to grow (in order to give him shade).

147. And We sent him to hundred thousand or more number of people as a messenger452.

148. And they believed. We gave them facilities for a fixed period.

149. Ask them, "(Do you say) for your God, female children and for them male children?"

150. Have they been witnessing when We created the angels as women?

151,152. Remember, that they falsely invent, when they say, Allah has begotten (children). Indeed, they are liars.

153. Has He selected female children over the male children?

154. What happened to you? How do you give judgement?

155. Will you not think?

156. Or do you have a clear sign?

157. Bring your Book if you should be truthful.

158. And they have imagined between jinns and Him a lineage. The jinns have already known that they will be made to stand before their (God).

159. Allah is Pure10 (from all weaknesses) from what they say.

160. Except the selected servants of Allah.

161,162,163. Indeed, you and what you worship will not misguide others except the one who will char in the hell26.

164,165,166. The angels will say26, "Whoever it may be among us there is a specific place for him. We are indeed those who line-up. And indeed, we are those who exalt (God)".

167,168,169. Indeed, those (who associate others to God) have been saying, "We would have become Allah's selected servants had we got this teaching from our fore-fathers".

170. Now, they disbelieve Him. They will know later.

171. And Our order has preceeded for the messengers who are Our servants.

172. Indeed, only they will be given help.

173. And indeed, Our soldiers will be successful.

174. You ignore them for a fixed period.

175. And you remain watching them. They will also watch.

176. Do they hasten to seek our suffering?

177. If it descends on their place, the morning time of those who were warned will become bad.

178. And you ignore them for a specific period.

179. You remain watching. They will also watch.

180. Your God who is the God of esteem is Pure10 (from all weaknesses) from what they say.

181. And peace will be on the messengers159.

182. And all praise be to Allah who is the God of the worlds.

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