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227. Why was the Quran revealed in Arabic language?

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227. Why was the Quran revealed in Arabic language?

These verses (12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 20:113, 26:195, 39:28, 41:3, 41:44, 42:7, 43:3, 46:12) of the Quran say it was revealed in the Arabic language. This should not convey a wrong message that Arabic language is the best, as the reason. In Islam no language is superior to any other, all are in a equal standing and a particular language does not have a special status. 

Prophet Muhammad said:

“A person speaking Arabic does not have any eminence over another speaking other than Arabic”.

Hadith Book: Ahmad 22391

Allah says in the Quran that all communities in the world were sent messengers.

”We have sent you with truth, to give good tidings and to warn There were no communities that were not sent a messenger to warn.

The Quran 35:24.

.We sent messengers to communities to explain in their own language.Allah guides those whom He desires to the straight path others to go astray He is the All -Knower and Surpasser of All. 

The Quran 14:4

The above verses of the Quran convey about messengers being sent to all communities of the world speaking different languages.The scriptures were revealed and delivered to them in the respective languages they spoke. This is what these verses tell us.

Almighty Allah chose Prophet Muhammad to take the Quran to people prophet knew to speak only Arabic, this was reason the Quran was revealed in Arabic.

Quran was revealed in Arabic not because it is the most liked language by God, as wrongly believed by some, rather there was a need for a language to reach the people

In whatever language the Quran was delivered, the enthusiasts from the other language group will definately question, why their language is ignored ?Had it been in the Tamil language then, English would question the same.

There is another reason, for these verses to say why it was revealed in Arabic.

Because the literary caliber of the Quran was high, and at the same time Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate, the people of those days did not have a chance to remark that that Quran is the imagination of Prophet Muhammad.

Hence they said some person who is well conversant with Arabic and meets Prophet Muhammad very often taught the Quran to him. But the one who taught him did not have Arabic as his mother tongue. Verse 16: 103 says Quran says was revealed in clear Arabic.

Please refer to explanation point 489 to know more about how words from other languages found their way into the Quran. 

All are equal by birth, and one gets preeminence only by his actions, a person speaking a certain language is not in any way superior to any other. Please refer to explanation points 11, 32, 49, 59, 141, 168, 182, 290, 368, 508 to know more about equality and brotherhood in Islam.

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