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482. Did Prophet Muhammad see the Almighty.

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482. Did Prophet Muhammad see the Almighty.

In verses (53:11-13) of the Quran it says Prophet Muhammad visually saw him,

The phrase ‘saw him’ refers to Prophet Muhammad having seen Jibril the celestial being, and this is what it conveys. 

But some people have mistakenly translated the word ‘him’ with connotations that refer to Allah in place of Jibril.

In Arabic there is only one word that refers to ‘Him’ whether it refers to God or human being. 

That Prophet Muhammad saw Allah with his eyes is a wrong notion, he saw Jibril is the right message.

 When Jibril brought the very first message from the Almighty the prophet saw Jibril in his natural form, then later on during the journey of Mehraj, the prophet again saw him in a place called Jannatul Mava.

This is what these verses convey. 

Ayesha (RA) said, the one who says, the prophet has seen God has committed a great blunder. saw Jibril in all his splendor on the horizon.

 Book:Bukhari 3234 

When Ayesha (RA) said the prophet has not seen God directly, the person named Masrook who is the narrator of this hadith pointed out to verse 53:13 of the Quran where in it is said he saw him again, she said it refers to Jibril

 Book:Bukhari 3235 

When Prophet Muhammad was asked whether he has seen God,he replied ‘how can I see Him He is all light.

Book:Muslim 291 

Hence the notion Prophet Muhammad saw Go directly is imaginative and a blatant lie.

To know whether we can see God while in this world please refer to explanation points 21, and 249, of his compilation. 

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