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457. Predictions about Prophet Muhammad in the Bible.

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457. Predictions about Prophet Muhammad in the Bible.

Verse 61:6 and 7:157 of the Quran talk of Prophet Isa having predicted the advent of a messenger of God after him by the name of ‘Ahmed’. 

Though the last Prophet of the Almighty is widely known as Muhammad he was also called as Ahmed.

Prophet Muhammad has declared himself, that he is also known as Ahmed.

Book:Bukhari 3532, 4896 

Despite the Christians churches having made various changes in the Bible, one could still find the predictions of Jesus Christ           about Prophet Muhammad and numerous other prophecies about Prophet Muhammad.

 The Jews during the period of Prophet Muhammad, as proclaimed in their scriptures were waiting for the arrival of three people as per the following verses found in the Bible.

John 1:19,22

 19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was.

 20 He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.” 

21 They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” 

He said, “I am not.” 

“Are you the Prophet?” 

He answered, “No.” 

22 Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” 

John lived at the time of Jesus Christ and he was the one who baptised Jesus Christ. When he was involved in the task of reforming the people, the Jews questioned him as to whether he was a Jesus Christ or or Elijah, or a prophet, to which he replied in the negative.

The Jews of that period had knowledge about the advent and were expecting three people to reform the world; this was the reason they questioned John abbott he was one the three.           Jesus Christ also faced these questions, let’s look into his replies. Mattew 17:11-13

11 Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.

 12 But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.”

 13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist. 

Jesus Christ identifies himself and the Jews raise a doubt with him about Elijah’s advent, Jesus replies by saying, ‘It is true Elijah would come, before my advent and reform the society. But he had already arrived, and he is John the Baptist, and the people without being aware he is Elijah have tormented him.         Since I have come after Elijah, I am Jesus, can be seen as said by Jesus in the above verse. Jesus conveys in this verse, that he is indeed Jesus, since his advent is after Eijah.

These details can be discerned by anyone going through them. Now the reason for John denying he is Elijah needs to be found out. This may be due to the torment subjected by those people.

Now let’s get back to the point. 

Jews were expecting the advent of Elijah, and he had arrived and was known as John.

And close on his heels the jews were expecting Jesus Christ, and now that he has also arrived, the next expected was a prophet, and from the time of John till today, the only prophet to arrive was Prophet Muhammad.

Here it needs to be concluded, the Christians are refuting the Bible by not believing in Prophet Muhammad as prophesized in the Bible. This means the Christians are not accepting the words of the Bible, about a prophet yet to arrive. 

The jews emigrated from Jerusalem and settled in Madina awaiting the arrival of the prophet based on this belief in the Bible, other than this there was no other reason for them to arrive at Madina. Likewise, there is mention of Prophet Muhammad in the Old Testament in many places. Let’s consider one here.

Moses assembles all the Israelites and advises them about things they are to implement and things and those to be avoided by them. And conveys them about the prophet yet to arrive amidst them.

Deuteronomy 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him 

Deuteronomy 18:17,18

17. And the Lord said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.

 18. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. 

These verses talk about a prophet like Musa in the future. The Jews believe these verses refer to Joshua who remained as a leader and guide to their community and while the Christians believe it to be a prophecy about Jesus Christ.

When each and every word of this verse about the prophecy is keenly observed it could be understood that they do not refer either to Joshua or Jesus Christ.

Before coming to a conclusion that it refers to a particular prophet, let’s make sure it does not refer either to Joshua or Jesus Christ 

Moses conveys the message about the advent of a prophet amidst them, not to a few of the Israelites but to every one of them assembled by him there. 

If the yet to arrive prophet was to come from amongst them, Moses would have mentioned it as from amongst them, on the contrary we find him saying as ‘from my brethren’ in Deuteronomy. Instead of saying the prophet would arise from amongst the people of Israelites, Moses says he would arise from his brethren, confirming he will not come from the Israelites.

When the words as said by the ‘Lord’ are keenly observed they appear to be on the same lines, conveying the message the prophet yet to arrive will come not from among the Israelites, but from among the brethren of the Israelite community. It is confirmed here without doubt, the arrival of a prophet will not be from amongst the Israelite community, but from the brotherhood community of Ishmaelites.

This cannot refer to Joshua because he belongs to the Israelites neither can this be taken as referring to Jesus since he is also from the Israelites.

Hence these words from the prophecy do not refer to both Joshua and Jesus, as they belong to Israelites.

In this verse about a yet to arrive prophet Moses talks of a prophet like himself and the Lord says of a prophet like Moses alluding to a prophet similar to Moses., not only in a comparison of prophetical duties but also in all other aspects as a prophet.

This comparison does not fit only into the likeness of Moses as a prophet but also into all aspects that a prophet should be involved in.

Prophets like Soloman, Ezikiel, Daniel and several others came after Moses and before Jesus. This comparison is quoted only as an example to show how the prophecy chain was prevalent and not to refer to Jesus Christ. And in case it is insisted that it refers to Jesus alone, it can be argued to refer to all the other prophets also.

And moreover many prophets have come after Moses and if it is taken as referring to all the prophets then the verse should have been mentioned as ‘many prophets like you’. But it is not mentioned so, and the verse says ‘A prophet like you’ specifically saying about a prophet like Moses doubtlessly. Jesus was not similar to Moses in all aspects. 

Jesus was born in a special manner while Prophet Muhammad and Moses were normal in their birth.

While the Christians believed Jesus Christ lived an unmarried life, Prophet Muhammad and prophet Moses were married.

Jesus was not accepted by the people of his time while Prophet Moses and Prophet Muhammad were accepted and followed by people.

Jesus was not a ruler, while Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Musa were rulers.

It is still the belief of Christians that Jesus was resurrected after death, whereas Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses were not resurrected.

Criminal Justice laws were not revealed to Jesus, while Prophet Muhammad and Moses were revealed with such laws.

Hence the message a prophet like Moses refers only to Prophet Muhammad. 

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