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455. Who was sacrificed as per the Bible. 

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455. Who was sacrificed as per the Bible. 

Muslims believe of the two sons Ismail and Ishaque of Prophet Ibrahim, he came forward to sacrifice Ismail as commanded by Allah. This is being said in the verses (11:71,37:102) of the Quran.

This has been explained in the 223rd point of this compilation. 

But this version of the event has been refuted by the Christians who claim the other son Ishaque was sacrificed instead, as narrated in the Bible. There is a need to clarify this claim by them and arrive at the truth. 

Though it was mentioned in the Bible originally Ismail is the one who was led to the altar for sacrifice, this was later changed to Ishaque to add importance to Prophet Isa because of the lineage that leads the family tree to Prophet Isa, and the family lineage of Ismail leads to Prophet Muhammad. The people who changed the contents of the Bible did it with the ulterior motive, the change would add significance to Prophet Isa because of his family tree lineage with Ishaque, and if Ismail is mentioned as found originally in the Bible these people who made the change were wary of the significance, it would bring to Prophet Muhammad. The priests have used their prowess in the Bible and brought change. People who read the Bible with keen attention would themselves figure out the truth.

Genesis 22:1,2. [1] After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here am I." [2] He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Mori'ah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." 

Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” 

This is the only proof the Christians cite as present in the Bible to claim Isac was the one who was sacrificed.

Though it has been claimed Isac was the one that has been sacrificed, an epithet has been used to refer to him as ‘only one’.

Had Abraham had only one son at that particular period then it is appropriate to use the epithet ‘only son’.

This could be said only when Issaac happens to be the elder son, but when Ismail was the elder of the two, Issaac cannot be called the ‘only son’ because of the presence of Ismail along with him.

Only the eldest of the two could be termed as the ‘only son’.

Let ‘s take a look at the following verse: 

When Hagar delivered baby Ismail, Abraham was eighty six years old.

When Abraham was circumcised when he was 99 years old.

And when his son was circumcised he was 13 years old.

Abraham and his son Ismail were circumcised the same day. 

Genesis 17:24,25 

Abraham circumcised his son Isaac on the eighth day after his birth as commanded by the Almighty.

Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born.

Genesis :21 

We come to know from the above Veres, that Ismail was born to Abraham at the age of eighty-six, and Isaac was born for him at the age of 100, (i.e.,) Isaac was fourteen years younger to Ismail.

Ismail remained the only son of Abraham for fourteen years. Isaac was never the only son for Abraham at any point of time and can never be. Hence, they have deliberately concealed the fact that Ismail is the only son and replaced it with Issaac at the same time forgetting to delete the word ‘only son’ exposing themselves is confirmed.

Hence the one who was led to be sacrificed is Ismail is confirmed here, and at the same time this was concealed by the Christians for the reason it would add significance to Prophet Muhammad because of his leagacy. They cannot also justify their argument because Ismail was born of a slave, he cannot claim the status of a son to Abraham, since the following words of the Bible clearly state Ismail and Issaac both are sons of Abraham. 

Genesis 25:99His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

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