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441. Living organisms created from the lifeless objects.

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441. Living organisms created from the lifeless objects. 

These verses of the Quran (2:28, 3:27, 6:95) of the Quran say the Almighty created the living from the lifeless. 

We are aware that lifeless things are created from lifeless objects.

We believe living organisms like man are begotten from other identical living organisms, as we have witnessed the same happening. But which organism is the original beginning (mother and father) of each of these organisms. Science answers this question by saying it started from lifeless objects. But it did not find an answer as to how it occurred.

Lifeless objects represent a collection or a mixture of various other ones. All lifeless objects can be sorted out, and each one of them can be categorized as an original one. All lifeless objects in this universe are made up of their contents , and nothing more could be found in them.

Similar to categorizing lifeless objects can the living organisms be classified. When such work is carried out, it is found the living organisms also have in them the same original sources.

There are no indications in the source to show they are from either the lifeless or living organisms. (For example, the source found is calcium only and it does not reveal it is either from human bone or mineral limestone). The fact that life was created from lifeless sources was declared by the Quran, many centuries before being discovered by the twentieth century scientists, proving the Quran to be the word of God.

Verse (2:28) of the Quran says ‘Allah gave you life when you were lifeless.

Each man was nothing before he could be created, and neither was he in some form or the other. This is what is referred to as lifeless in this verse, and means man was given life while he was nothing and without life.

And moreover sources were discovered only after life came into existence, and this was revealed from Allah for men to ponder over their existence. 

Please refer to explanation point no; 347 of this compilation to know more on this subject. 

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