427. Slaughtering only in the name of the Almighty!
In verse (108:2) of the Quran, the Almighty commands only He should be worshipped and slaughtering of animals be done only in His name.
Since everyone is aware salah (the muslim way of worship) is for the Almighty alone, the carry ot the same for Him.
But some Muslims who are unaware of the fact that slaughtering of animals is a form of worship and it is not to be done in the name of other than Almighty God, do it in the name of others. There is an outright rebuttal in this verse for such people.
Prophet Muhammad said ‘Allah’s curse is on those whoever slaughters animals in the name of others than Allah’.
Book Muslim: 4001, 4002, 4003
I asked Prophet Muhammad whether I can fulfill my votive offering vow by slaughtering an animal at a spot named Bhuvana. He in turn asked me a question whether others perform such acts in the same spot. I replied in the negative. Again, he asked me whether it is a place where other religious gatherings or other gods are worshipped there, again I replied in the negative that he permitted me to carry out the slaughtering there.
Book: Abu Dawud 2882
When there is prohibition to even slaughtering an animal in the place of people of other other faiths carrying out theirs, we need to speculate the acts of some people who fullfil their votive offering by slaughtering animals and birds in shrines.
To know the fallacies in arguments put forward by supporters of shrine worshipping please refer to points 17, 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 121, 122, 140, 141, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 471, of this explanations compilation
427. Slaughtering only in the name of the Almighty!
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