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422. The splitting of the moon

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422. The splitting of the moon.

The verse (54:1) of the Quran says the moon has split.

When Prophet Muhammad declared himself as the messenger of God, the people at that time demanded proof from him. 

The prophet split the moon in the sky into two, as evidence, for everyone assembled there to witness.(Book Bukhari 3636, 4864, 4865)

This incident is being conveyed through this verse. People who are aware of the existence of earth’s natural satellite may come to a conclusion that splitting and coming together could never happen. 

But God, when he performs certain feats, miracles in this world leaves signs as evidence. 

While mentioning the great deluge during the time of Prophet Nuh, the Almighty talks of leaving behind the boat (Noah’s Ark) as evidence. This boat has now been discovered. (please refer to explanation point No;222.)

In the same way after mentioning the incidence, and confirming the splitting of the moon, says the same has been recorded as evidence

The Almighty says the incidence of the split in the moon is not a trickery of magic but a reality. 

When Niel Armstrong set his foot on the moon the spacecraft photographed the moon in several angles that was received by the base station on earth.

One of those photographs found contained the image of the moon being joined by a ridge as though cut in the middle and rejoined.

The scientists named the ridge as the ‘Arabian Split’ because of the belief Muslims in Arabia nurtured the moon was split and rejoined at the will of God Almighty, and as a miracle performed b Prophet Muhammad. 

This conveys the message in the Quran about the splitting of the moon thereby reaffirming the belief of Muslims. As already declared in the Quran, the evidence left in the moon can be witnessed on discovery of the Arab Split.

This message was flashed in the magazine ‘American Reporter’ when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, which has been translated, translated and published from different parts of the world.

The record in the Quran about the splitting of the moon, and the evidence regarding it being found on the surface of its surface proves the Quran is the word of God. 

Some keep denying the fact now, about the split that took place on the moon by quoting NASA scientists as saying the ridge that stood as evidence is no more visible.

But no one can deny the fact published in the ‘American Reporter’ along with the relevant photographs by the Apollo spacecraft, about the ridge found along the median in the moon, NASA did not deny having provided the details of the split earlier, proving indeed there was one.

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