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406. The technology to keep food fresh. 

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406. The technology to keep food fresh. 

Verse (2:259) of the Quran narrates an incident and tells the person in there, ‘We made you a testimony to men’

In verses of the Quran, where the Almighty cites evidence for men, it can be widely seen as facts regarding predictions, scientific truths, or matters relating to science hidden in them.

The person cited in this incident travels accompanied by a donkey taking along with him some food. 

During this journey The Almighty gives death to them at a certain place and they remain still for a hundred years, while the man and the donkey were dead and reduced to decomposed bones, the food that was carried by the man remains fresh even after a period of a hundred years.

What kind of testimony does ‘The Almighty’ provide to men through this incident? 

The food and water carried by the person remains fresh though lying close to the dead and putrefied man and the dead donkey.

This verse conveys a predictive message that a protective layer can be created as in a refrigerator.

Since a predictive built-in message is found in this verse requiring man to delve into a technology (a know-how) through the words ‘We have provided evidence for you’.

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