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399. The ship of the desert

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399. The ship of the desert.

Verse 88:17 of the Quran asks men to ponder about the way camels are created.

The Quran asks humans to ponder the way a camel is created similar to a ship that travels in sea in verses 36:41,42.

In the vast expanse of the desert we witness the camels traveling with ease though the other creatures find it very hard even to exist. The camel has been equipped with the special characteristics to suit the environment which they live in.

All creatures of the world would die in extreme heat due to loss of water and blood.

The loss of water in blood would result in the clotting of the blood, stopping its flow through the body resulting in the death of the creature. 

There are certain arrangements found in the body of the camel that lives in the desert preventing it from dyeing.

A camel at one time can take in 100 liters of water and save it with a special arrangement in the inside of its body. When the water in the blood of the camel goes down it gets refurbished with the water from its specially arranged water sac within the interior of its body. 

Each RBC present in the blood of the camel can expand up to 200 times in size to hold on to its increased water content, enabling the camel to carry on with its activities even in extreme conditions at the same time preventing its blood from clotting. Not only the blood is in need of water, but also the tissues of the muscles need it.

But the tissues of the muscles do not take the required water from the water sac, in turn the fats stored in the hump of the camel breaks down into water and taken in by the tissue of the muscles of the body.

Hydrogen released from the fats mingles with oxygen during respiration by the camel to form water that is taken in by the tissues of the animal.

Moreover, the heat from the desert surface is many times more than that of the normal earth surface. To withstand this excess heat there are special arrangements in the sole of the camel with thick rubber like cushions.

The special arrangements within the body of the camel that exhibit unique characteristics in the camel, rightly called as the ship of the desert, proves the Quran as the word of God.

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