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383. Taking into use animals that are considered as a votive offering.

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383. Taking into use animals that are considered as a votive offering.

There is a custom in various faiths of the world that animals given as votive offerings to God, possess attributes of that God, it is believed the animal comes to possess a divine character.

And there were unwritten laws that the animal should not be shooed away if it happens to enter anyone else’s field to graze, or load the animal with any goods and even milking it was prohibited. In spite of the knowledge the animal is about to die, these people attribute divine cause to it.

This verse of the Quran demolishes such beliefs.

This verse (22:33) of the Quran says, the animals that are considered as votive offerings can be used in the normal way as others. Cattle that are reared or bought by us for the purpose to be slaughtered as a votive offering to the Almighty can be used until the time arrives to slaughter the same. From this verse of the Quran we derive laws granting permission to make use of animals considered as votive offering to God for our personal wants like milk and carrying loads etc. 

Islam refutes the concept of abandoning animals in the name of votive offering without any use. When a decision is made to dedicate an animal for a good cause it needs to be beneficial to the poor. Until such time the vow is fulfilled by slaughtering the animal, they can be utilized for our personal uses and not abandon them as public property. This is the message conveyed by this verse of the Quran.

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