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376. Dining at other’s homes 

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376. Dining at other’s homes 

This verse (24:61) of the Quran talks of homes where one can take liberty of dining. Most of the exegesis while explaining this verse render it as meaning that not taking part in wars is not a crime, and they cite verse 48:17 as proof. Though verse 48:17 speaks about war, but 24:61 does not do so, and the two verses are not in any way connected with each other can be found by looking at them even superficially.

We cannot accept the meaning ‘not participating in war is not a crime’ rendered by these people when it is clearly mentioned as ‘dining is not a crime’. This verse talks only about the etiquettes of eating at someone else’s home. This verse of the Quran answers the question about dining with members of another family.

A person can dine along with his parents at their home also at the home of his brothers, sisters, or with the siblings of their parents and relatives either together or individually. Similarly, families of close acquaintances can dine together, this is not considered a crime.

This verse also says physically handicapped persons and blind persons though not closely related can be taken along to dine together. 

Islam forbids unrelated men and woman to remain in isolation, but close relatives are allowed to dine together and this does not amount to a crime being committed.

But Islamic dress code needs to be maintained at all time and jostling should be avoided. 

This is the direct message conveyed by this verse, and messages that do not convey the right meaning of the verses in the name of explanations need not be considered at all. While dining the chances of men and women gazing at each other is bound to happen, please refer to point no; 472, to know more on this.

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