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373. No rituals for naming a new born. 

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373. No rituals for naming a new born.

Verse (3:36) of the Quran says Maryam was christened by her mother.

Mayam’s (AS) mother made a sacred vow to dedicate the offspring she was expecting to be delivered in the service of the Creator, assuming it would be a male child. But she was shocked to find the delivered child was a female.

We can understand the intensity of her shock when she says ‘male child is not similar to a female one’ instead of saying ‘female child is not similar to a male one.’

When Maryam (AS) was born Prophet Zakariya at that time was one of important personalities in that locality. He undertook the guardianship of Maryam (AS). Prophet Zackrya being one of the important personalities of the locality and also being the messenger of God Almighty was not invited by Maryam’s (AS) mother while christening the new born Maryam (AS). She herself named the newborn.

From this we understand there are no rituals to be performed when naming a newborn. 

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