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369. Remedy for having missed five times worship

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369. Remedy for having missed five times worship.

This verse (19:60) of the Quran talks of remedies a person needs to seek in case he misses on any of the five times of worship. There may be people who wish to reform themselves and carry on the five times a day worship they have missed for months and years together. Are these people required to worship all that has been missed by them or is there a remedy available for them?

 For such people, it is more than enough if they seek forgiveness from the Almighty for having missed their worshippings and start again to continue in a proper manner, and such people will enter Paradise, says this verse. And this verse does not ask them to complete the entire left out worshippings, and neither did Prophet Muhammad order such an alternative.

Hence seeking forgiveness from the Almighty and continuing to maintain regular five times a day worshippings in future is sufficient for remedy for them. 

If a person is required to perform all the worshippings he missed for a period of twenty years he left behind, he would prefer to move away from Islam. Hence not passing verdict that are not part of Islam should be avoided, to give chance for those who want to reform and turn a new leaf in their life. 

Please refer to point no;479 to know that restitution of missed worshipping is not required.

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