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364. Forgiving those who slandered against him. 

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364. Forgiving those who slandered against him.

The incident that affected Prophet Muhammad most in his life is the stigma on his wife Ayesha (RA). 

A person by the name of Misdah played a prominent role in the despicable act. He was under the care of Ayesha’s (RA) father Abu Bakr (RA). 

After discovering the slander against Ayesha (RA) was false, he (Abu Bakr) swore in the name of the Creator that he would never ever entertain Misdah. His conscience did not allow him to help those who slandered against his daughter. 

Book Bukhari: 2661, 4141, 4750, 6679. 

But in verse 24:22 of the Quran we find, the help rendered to those who slandered against Prophet Muhammad’s wife Ayesha (RA) not be stopped, though sworn under the name God, not be implemented. If the Quran happened to be the making of Prophet Muhammad, one can never imagine to find a verse asking to forgive persons who slandered against his wife, thereby making him lose peace of mind and subjecting him to psychological torture for days together. At the least the prophet would have kept quiet on Abu Bakr’s vow not to help Misdah.

This verse is another evidence to prove the Quran is the word of God. 

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