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279. Are there statements of Jibreel (AS) in the Quran ?

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279. Are there statements of Jibreel (AS) in the Quran ?

Verse 19:64 seems to convey the message Quran is the statement of angels.

Quran being a scripture, should be containing only the words of God. In case it happens to contain words of others, they need to be placed in a highlighted manner to differentiate them.

But in this verse we find the words “ We will not descend without God’s permission. The question here is “How can the statement of an angel find a place in the Quran? But we find many places in the Quran words structured in this manner.

The reason is that the Quran was revealed in sound form and not in a written format. Though we will not be uttering certain sentences during conversations we would deem it understood per prevailing situation around. 

Let’s take for example a gathering where a judge presides over a dispute between two persons named Ibrahim and Ismail, and pens down the proceeding.

He asked Ismail did you commit the act?,

I did not said Ismail !

On this, the judge turned towards Ibrahim and said ‘ He says he did not do it, why do you want to accuse him without any evidence?

I have evidence with me, said Ibrahim.

This is the way a person would write down what happened there? But if the contents of the conversation were to be noted down, it would be as follows in a direct speech.

Did you do it? I did not. He says he did not , why do you want to accuse without any basis? I have evidence.

These were the words that were spoken in the gathering. Let’s compare both the paragraphs.

During the proceedings,we could observe a number of words that have been left out. We find the conversation structured in such a way necessitating addition of words.

The Quran is secured in Luvhull Mahul and Archangel Jibril revealed it to Prophet Muhammad from it whenever required.

There were days with no revelations from Jibreel, an expression from Luvhull Mahful it self, making Prophet Muhammad worrisome, also an expression from Luvhull Mahful. Also the expression from Archangel Jibreel that “ we will not descend without the creator's permission” is from Luvhull Mahful revealed in the Quran to this world.

Please refer to explanation point no; 492 for more details on this.

On this basis it needs to be understood that the words expressed by Archangel Jibreel are from the Luvhull Mahful, are the words of Allah.

Similarly verse 37:164, of the Quran says we have our own standing, in the ranks and file and, we are the one who sing His praise.

The term “We” denotes the angels, and this should not be construed as the statement by the angels, but Allah’s words.

The Quran was delivered by voice and not in a written form, hence it uses a diction to suit the situation it is revealed.

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