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255. How to comprehend “The Quran”. 

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255. How to comprehend “The Quran”.

In verse (16:44) of the Quran, Almighty Allah says the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad so that people may ponder over it, and Prophet Muhammad would explain it to them.. 

This verse (16:44) states there are two ways to understand the Quran.

One way is to ponder over the Quran and understand it.

And the second way is to understand the Quran along with the explanations of Prophet Muhammad where we are unable to understand ourselves.

This is the best method Allah teaches us to understand the Quran.

There are two types of verses in the Quran. Some verses could be understood as soon as they are read, or a little bit of intense attention will render them clear. This is one type. 

There are yet another type of verses where we could understand the meaning as they are read though not fully.. Prophet would explain as to what these message mean to us. And only in his explanations could we understand the full meaning of theses verses. 

For example, everyone understands the commandment to worship, to fast, to pay zakat, to perform Hajj etc but the method to do all these functions would be explained by Prophet Muhammad which is necessary. 

Hence we cannot allude to any other explanation other than this to elaborate on the words “ So that you may explain, and they may ponder, we revealed these teachings to you”.

If the Quran could be understood as soon as it is read and pondered upon Allah would have mentioned it here.

This verse stands proof to state the necessity of Prophet Muhammad’s explanations along with the verses of the Quran for implementing it in the world. 

To know more about Prophet Muhammad’s explanations is necessary to understand the Quran fully please refer to explanation points 18, 36, 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 164, 184, 244, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 352, 358, 430.

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