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235. Why were they told not to go through a single entrance?

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235. Why were they told not to go through a single entrance?

Prophet Yaqoob told his sons not to enter through a single entrance, but to do so through several entrances. (Veses 12:67, 68,)Some explain this was done to avoid an evil eye being cast on them. 

There is no pretext to explain it this way nor did Prophet Muhammad show us the way to explain in this manner.

Having a glance at this verse will reveal this was not to avoid a evil eye being cast.

Many members of a single family gathering at a spot where goods are distributed would make others look at them with contempt. May be to avoid this happening Prophet Yaqoob would have asked his sons not to go through a single entrance.

Hence these verses explained by others as to avoid being cast an evil eye is not acceptable.

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