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220. Prophet Muhammad not to forget the revelation.

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220. Prophet Muhammad not to forget the revelation.

In this verse (87:6) of the Quran we find it saying Prophet Muhammad would never fail to remember the Holy Book.

Generally we find people forgetting many things with messengers being no exception.

But if the messengers fail to remember the entire message, a part may not reach the people. Hence we find in this verse the message “ We will read it to you; that you may not forget” suggesting as far as the’ Holy Book’ is concerned he will not fail to remember.

This verse serves as a kind of reminder to us to say that Prophet Muhammad could never have forgotten to convey a message that was revealed to him.

We need to clarify another doubt here.

We have made known, the hadiths regarding Prophet Muhammad being subjected to black magic are nothing but folklores. We have presented numerous evidence in our explanation points 285, 357, 468, 495, 499 regarding the same.

If we come to believe that Prophet Muhammad was subjected to black magic and was affected by it would give rise to doubts about the Quran. And as we have already pointed out earlier, due to the supposed mental illness suffered by the prophet people may doubt the veracity of the messages revealed by him.

The question posed by some is, just as Allah protected Prophet Muhammad from forgetfulness in matters of revelations would he not do the same in case of the prophet being mentally affected, and try to justify their stand on black magic.

We have clarified the difference between forgetfulness and mental illness in our explanation point 357. 

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