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193. Advaita : Philosophy of ignorance.

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193. Advaita : Philosophy of ignorance.

 Verse (8:17) of the Quran says during the the” Battle of Badr”, the stones pelted by Prophet Muhammad against his enemies were in fact done by Allah Himself 

The group that talks of Advaita philosophy, which considers Allah and His messenger are one and the same, cite this verse as evidence to emphasize their belief.Now let’s go into the details.

We very well know the first battle field encountered by Prophet Muhammad in his life was “Battle of Badr” 

The Almighty granted victory to Muslims in this battle, by seeding the rise of Islam and performing several miracles as:.

A) By bringing down a thousand angels.The Quran (verse 8:9).

B) By granting a nap to the Muslims to refresh themselves, and by giving them peace at heart .The Quran: (verse: 8:11)

C) Cleansing them by bringing down rain that night, and making their feet firm on earth. The Quran: (verse 8:11)

D) The angels took part in the battle. The Quran (verse 8:12)

E) Allah created fear in the hearts of the enemies. The Quran:(Verse 8:12). 

Allah mentions in verse (8:17) of the Quran another miracle.         

.In the battlefield Prophet Muhammad said to Ali “ Bring me a handful of small stones”. And Ali brought as asked for,. It was at that instance Allah revealed the verse “When you pelted, it was not you but Allah”.

(Hadith Book :Tabrani)

Allah by the above cited verses points out the following. 

The consequences that resulted were far more than if pelted by humans. The results were that of God having pelted Himself.

Allah points out the results of the battle were not not due to the strength of humans, but due to the miracles performed by Him. 

These people bend such clear verses of the Quran to their advantage.

To top it all they keep blabbering Prophet Muhammad and Allah are one and the same.And they have created all kinds of folklore to substantiate their philosophy. They far bypass Christians in their transgressions.

The leader of this sect known by the name of Ibnu Arabi copied Advaitism and tried integrating it into Islam. He said Allah is in all things that are visible. There are ignorant people in this community who still believe him..

The words with double meaning are used in the Quran and the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad and were used wrongly by him to misguide people. 

 (How to understand the words with double meaning please refer to explanation point 86.)

The above cited verse. serves as an eye-opener to those looking for an explanation regarding whether the verses of the Quran or the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad can be bent as per the blabberings of the misled.

Their contention regarding the above cited verse is “ Can Prophet Muhammad as a human being, spell such a disaster on the enemies with a handful of pebbles,because Prophet Muhammad was Allah, he could bring out such results they claim. And moreover Allah claims that He was the one Who pelted the pebbles towards the enemies, hence Allah and His Prophet Muhammad are one and the same they argue.

These people are playing with the religion that totally closes all avenues of creating an equal to the Almighty.

But this verse is directly in contradiction to their argument.

The idea of this verse is to convey “Oh, Muhammad don’t you dare think that if you pelt stones, enemies will turn to their heels”, I let My Omnipotentness be realized during that event. 

We need not go elsewhere to find this message, it is expressed in the same verse of the Quran.

Before mentioning the incident of Prophet Muhammad pelting pebbles on the enemies, Allah says in the Quran, when the comrades of Prophet Muhammad eliminated the enemies , it was not them who did it, but in fact it was He who carried out the task. 

Here we understand Allah claiming the fruits of the deeds committed by the comrades of Prophet Muhammad in the battlefield.

We can see the structure of the sentences similar to the one used in quoting the pelting stones by Prophet Muhammad.

In that case these people should argue that all the comrades who took part in the “Battle of Badr” are Allah. Would they do it ?

If they did, then the claim ‘Allah is Prophet’ and “Prophet is Allah” would have to be changed to “Allah is Comrades of Prophet” and “Comrades of Prophet” is Allah.

A number of comrades of Prophet Muhammad were killed in the battle. Then as per the stupid arguments of these people it has to be taken as Allah was killed in all those instances where the companions had died..

Allah is registering a fact here by saying “Though you were a third the size of your enemies, it was I who created the situation for your victory. 

Allah reminds us about the miracles by Him in various other verses and says that Prophet Muhammad or his companions cannot be the claimants of victory against the idolaters. 

And Allah commands Prophet Muhammad to declare “ I am also a human being like you“ to people.

The Holy Quran (18:110)

The fact Prophet Muhammad ate, drank , and relieved himself in the toilet,. having indulged in family life, born to parents like others, having undergone the trauma of losing his wives and kids, he being subjected to tortures, being banished from his native place, and remaining, without knowing the truth behind the slander cast upon his wife, and having accepted the offer by a treacherous group without prior knowledge, that resulted in the killing of seventy of his companions, and his penury were open evidences that he was a human.These people on the other hand foolishly claim Prophet Muhammad and God are one and the same.

This kind of parallel is drawn on verses not only while mentioning Prophet Muhammad but also in verses addressing common man.

It can be seen in verses (56:63,64) where we find Him asking people “ Do tell about sowing seeds, are you the ones who make them grow, It is We, who grow them for you.

While mentioning farm agriculture Allah says in these verses He is the one Who makes seeds grow into plants, does this mean according to these people all the farmers are God.

Though as humans we are the ones who sow the seeds, it is He who has powers to make it grow multifold. 

In the same way we should understand the above cited verses. 

Looking at this from yet another angle we can easily point out the absurdity in their argument

When you pelted.

Yet you did not pelt.

.These are the two phrases mentioned here.Though Allah acknowledges it was Prophet Muhammad in the phrase “When you (Prophet Muhammad) pelted”, in the subsequent phrase refutes by saying “ yet you (Prophet Muhammad) did not.

There can never be a contradiction in the words of Almighty. For example when one says “ I have not eaten” when having already done so, we call it absurd.

But if one were to ponder if the Great God can ever contradict Himself, they would come to understand the real meaning of these sentences. 

The usage of these types of sentences need not be taken in their direct sense.We will take into consideration the two differing meanings of the two sentences.

When we say, “ We are not the ones who sow seeds, but Allah , while factually we do it, means there are two different senses in the understanding of meaning for the same word ‘sowing’

One understanding is to arrive at a conclusion sowing or seeding does not necessarily mean germination.

In the same way we need to interpret the meaning of the above cited verse of the Quran. .

When you pelted.                                                                             

Yet you did not pelt.

These two phrases are used in two different contexts.

When you pelted (ie) when you pelted the small stones.

“Yet you did not” (ie) you did not make the stones reach the faces of all the enemies.

Taking it in this sense would mean the verse is without any contradiction.

This kind of phrase usage is a common feature in most of the literatures of languages of the world , and not exclusive to Quran alone.

Thus based on this fundamentals a conclusion arrived regarding this verse is, the stones were pelted by Prophet Muhammad and were destined to their targets by Allah.Hence Allah did something different from what His Prophet did as mentioned in this verse proving Allah and his Prophet Muhammad are different from each other and not one and the same as claimed by some people. 

We find it recorded in Hadith Bukhari: (6502) as the Almighty saying as follows :-’ Whoever comes close to me by his surplus worship I love him. And once I love him I will start functioning as their ears, their eyes, their arms,their legs.These people cite hadiths like this to substantiate their misguidance.

They misguide people saying “ Look the so called pious men interred in mausoleums are not different from Allah, they are incarnations of Allah”

Many pious men were killed, brutalized, maimed, does that mean Allah was brutalized, maimed and killed .Had they pondered, they would not blabber such words.

Making use of such words in times of extreme love for someone is a common feature.When we say “He is my right hand, we do not take it in the literal meaning of the words. Similarly when we say '' We are two bodies in a single soul “ cannot be taken in the literal meaning at all .

We can cite yet another hadith to make them understand their ignorance. 

Allah in the hereafter will ask His slave “ Why didn’t you feed me when I was hungry? Why didn’t you quench my thirst when I needed water, and Why didn’t you dress me when I was in need of clothes. To that the slave would reply “ You are the great God ,You cannot experience hunger, thirst .To that the Almighty would say You would have seen me had you fed a needy person when he asked for food. 

Hadith Book:Muslim 5021.

Does this mean we conclude all needy begging people as Allah.? Can we pray to beggars or build a mausoleum for them?

In the same way these people understand this concept should they understand the Mutashabihat (A double context) verses. 

To know more about how the misguided will twist the Mutashabihat verse please refer to explanations point No; 86.

To know more about how the shrine worshippers are justifying their arguments against Monotheism please refer to explanation points Nos 17, 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 140, 141, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471 

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