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170. Not to abuse what others worship.

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170. Not to abuse what others worship.

Verse (6:108) of the Quran says not to abuse,revile what others worship...

Islam stands firm in the basic ideology of monotheism.

Islam holds on to the steadfast belief that, all others being worshipped in place of God are nothing but figment of imagination of men.

Even then Islam does not endorse criticizing or abusing other beliefs or other gods of other people. 

However hard the non muslims try into a confrontation, muslims are supposed not to abuse others gods.

At the same time debating intellectually the existence of One God and there can never be many does not amount to talking ill of other gods. Verses 3:64, 3:79, 4:171, 5:72, 5:73, 6:71, 6:100, 6:108, 9:31, 12:39, 12:40, 13:16, 16:51, 17:22, 17:111, 21:22, 21:24, 23:91, 23:117 of the Quran talks regarding this aspect. To know more about the stand of Islam on the places of worship, and gods of others refer to explanation points 432, 433, 473.

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