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149. The sky that gives back.

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149. The sky that gives back.

In this verse (86:11) we see a lovely epithet ‘the sky that gives back’ in place of just ‘the sky’ being used.

.There are numerous things the sky gives us back.

The water that evaporates from the seas, and various other water sources are returned to us in the form of rains.The sound waves that are thrown into the sky are returned in the same manner. 

It is because of the property of ‘the sky returning’ whatever is thrown into it we are able to get radio signals into our electrical and electronic gadgets.

The signals or information that are being sent into the skies are returned from a certain point after being blocked. .

Even more, the heat required by the earth is absorbed from the sun..All the heat that is directed towards the earth cannot be held back by it, resulting in an overheated and unbearable earth, hence it redirects the excess heat into the sky. The sky retains the excess heat and returns it to the earth where it is needed..Hence we see the sky functioning as a heat stabilizer serving the earth and true to the phrase ‘the sky that returns’ mentioned in the Quran.

The Almighty has created the sky with a feature to give back, and if we happen to ponder more and more about the sky we would find a lot more that is being returned by the sky.

Would anyone use an epithet ‘The sky that gives back’ that too 1442 years back. 

The fact that it is been disclosed by an illeterate Prophet Muhammad is more an evidence that Quran is the word of God. 

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