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143. The protected and safeguarded Quran.

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143. The protected and safeguarded Quran.

.In this verse (15:9) of the Quran, Allah says ‘We will safeguard and protect the Quran’. 

Most of the people during the time the Quran was revealed and all those who accepted it were illiterates.And the media in which the written matter was preserved happened to be barks of trees, and flat bones and hides and skins of animals.. 

In this scenario with the available media (i.e.,) the bones and skins and hides of animals, the Quran was preserved and protected as it was being revealed gradually, extending for a period of 23 years.

But during the period this scripture was revealed, nobody could imagine preserving and protecting the Quran.

.A very weak civilization with threats, hindrances and targeted by enemies, and consisting of mostly illiterate people, could not be imagined to safeguard the guidance given to it through scripture.

But in the verses “We delivered the verses and we alone will protect them” we find the assurance from The Creator.

Many literary pieces created before and after the Quran was revealed have faded into oblivion. The Quran is the only scripture that has been safeguarded and protected to be proved as a revelation from The Creator.

We have already explained in the preface , as to how the Quran is protected and safeguarded.

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