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138. Getting married to a girl from the people of the book.

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138. Getting married to a girl from the people of the book.

This verse of the Quran speaks about Muslims getting married to women belonging to ‘ the people of the book.’ 

Though this phrase ‘People of the book’ refers to all who believe in scriptures, it particularly means the Jews and Christians. 

This should not be misunderstood as meaning all Jews and Christians, because Prophet Isa and other prophets of the time were sent to the ‘tribes of Israel’ alone. Torah and Injeel were revealed to Israelites. We can see this in the following verses 3:49, 5:72, 7:105, 7:134, 7:138, 10:90, 17:2, 17:101, 20:47, 20:94, 26:17 32:23, 40:53, 43:59, 61:6 of the quran. 

‘I was sent to the tribes of Israel alone’ as said by Prophet Isa can be seen in verses 3:49, 5:72, 43:59, 61:6 of the Quran.

People other than Tribes of Israel who call themselves as Jews and Christians cannot be considered as those to whom the Torah and Injeel were revealed.

We need to remember that Prophet Muhammad was sent to the whole humanity, where as all the other prophets were sent community specific.

Since Jews and Christians other than ‘Tribes of Israel’ were not revealed with scriptures Torah and Injeel ,they cannot be considered as ‘People of the book’ which leads to the conclusion that Muslims are barred from getting married to women who are not part of the ‘People of the book’.Hence it is automatically to be taken to be understood that marriage with women of Jewish or Christian origin is prohibited. 

Please refer to Explanation Points 27, 137 for more details.       

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