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120. On obeying commandments of leaders. 

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120. On obeying commandments of leaders. 

Verse 4:59 of the Quran conveys a message asking men to obey the commandments of Allah, and be guided by Prophet Muhmmad, and to obey the diktats of leaders whom they are under.

There are numerous evidence to prove Quran, and the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad are to be referred as the only basis of Islam.

Citing this verse some argue, the personal claims of scholars (People of authority) may also be considered as basis of Islam.

This verse says, to obey Allah, His prophet, and Ulul Amr. These people argue the word ‘Ulul Amr’ refers to religious scholars.

This is entirely wrong, ‘Ulul’ means the one who possesses, and ‘Amr’ refers to power of leadership. ‘Ulul Amr’ means ‘the one who has power’ and does not ever mean a ‘religious scholar’. 

Though in religious matters Muslims are required to be bound by laws set by the Almighty and His messenger, they are required at times to be bound by the administrators of worldly affairs.

A doubt may arise in situations when Muslims are required to obey the commands of the head of a country, a judge, or govt; officials, against the tenets of Islam. To dismiss such doubts the phrase ‘obey those who possess power’ is used in this verse. When the need to obey the commandments of Allah and his messenger arises there are no two ways about it, things to obey and others not to be obeyed. We need to obey the entire commandments by Him and His messenger, but while doing the same in the case of those with power in worldly affairs, there may be a situation where the commandments by them not necessarily be in tune with those of the Almighty. We find at the end of this verse saying ‘any dispute in a matter may be referred to Allah and His messenger’ directing people to be bound by the commandments of those who possess power only in matters that are not against Islam. 

Hence this verse does not speak of being bound by diktats of Islamic scholars, nor does it permit people to be bound by matters that are against Islam. 

Generally, leaders mislead and misguide people based on unquestionable belief and faith the people have in them. This verse helps people to be aware of such fraudulent and misleading leaders. However great a scholar, a saint, or a person with huge powers be, we are to take his words as long as they do not contradict the Quran and the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. People with such conviction cannot be misled by anyone in the name of Islam. 

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