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118. The prophecy of Muslims being victorious. 

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118. The prophecy of Muslims being victorious. 

This verse (73:20) was revealed at a time when Prophet Muhammad was facing a very difficult and weak situation. 

In this verse Allah says worshipping half or 1/3 of the night is good enough.

While saying this He also mentions “Allah is aware of the rise of the sick and those who will fight in the way of God amongst you. 

 This verse talks about people arising out of the Muslim community to fight in the way of God at a time when their living itself was a big question mark.

 While fighting for survival, spending less time in worship is a matter of no concern is the message here.

 Fighting in the way of God refers to formation of a government and creating a force to wage war.

One can never imagine people would arise to fight in the way of God in that kind of situation then. But as declared by the Almighty a military force did appear to fight wars in the way of God. 

This is yet another evidence the Quran is the word of God. 

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