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112. Requirement of four witnesses to substantiate accusation of prostitution.

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112. Requirement of four witnesses to substantiate accusation of prostitution.

 Verses (4:15, 24:4, 24:13) of the Quran say, a person should not be punished on charges of committing adultery, fornication, prostitution, until proven guilty with the help of four witnesses. 

 People listen with interest and believe in accusations and rumors about the chastity of women connected with other men.

And by saying ‘May be true’ they attempt to approve such accusations making the future of the girl concerned a big question mark. They are not bothered about the future of these girls; would their attitude be the same towards the womenfolk of their own household? 

 The news media also spread such information with excitement. 

 Only Islam treats chastity of women with great concern and terms wild accusations about it a grave crime. Islam says an accusation about immoral acts of a woman should carry four witnesses. When an accusation of immoral act is made against a woman without being substantiated by four witnesses, and even if it happens to be true, Islam lays out a punishment of 80 whiplashes for those who made the accusations.

 When, even if three people have witnessed the wrongful act, their spreading of it would amount to slander punishable with eighty lashes. 

 These kinds of stringent laws against people indulging in canards about the chastity of women cannot be found in any country of the world. The extent of seriousness Islam accords to chastity of women, their self-respect can be gauged by these laws.

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