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102. A bigger worry as a solution to a small one. 

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102. A bigger worry as a solution to a small one. 

This verse (3:153) of the Quran beautifully explains how to console those distraught with worries.

During the ‘Battle of Uhud’ Muslims were defeated resulting in a good number of loss of lives and wounded. Muslims were distraught to a great extent. As an antidote a rumor that Prophet Muhammad was killed started to spread. 

At this, the Muslims who were distraught already due to the defeat they faced in the war, got engrossed themselves in the aftereffects of this news though it turned out to be a false one. The only worry by the Muslims at that moment was the death of Prophet Muhammad. 

As if to alleviate this drawback and worry in them, they were fed with the news of Prophet Muhammad being alive that enthused them to rejuvenate with vigor, leading them to win the war. 

Now it has been found out this kind of action leads to relieving people psychologically at times of stress and strain. 

The Quran divulged this message (3:153) of psychological implications many centuries ago, before it could be figured out by scientists. 

And says ‘having missed your chance to victory and to alleviate your sufferings and worries, He (God) presented you with bigger worries’. This proves the Quran as the word of God. 

An artificial way of creating a bigger worry to alleviate mental sufferings, and illness of people is a solution for them to return to their normal sense. The bigger worry thus created occupies their mind and lets them forget the rest of their worries. If we could make them understand the bigger worry was an artificial one, they will come out of all their worries.

This verse explains with reasons the way psychologists handle this matter now. 

And says in the next verse how sleep given to them added to their comfort.

Creating an artificial bigger worry, creating sleep, and then getting rid of that bigger worry will result in peacefulness of mind. 

Such findings in the 20th century after much research work only proves (the way Prophet Muhammad said 14 centuries ago to handle worries) Quran is the word of Al-Mighty God. 

This is yet another proof that the Quran is God’s word.

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