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93. Was Prophet Isa taken possession of and raised to the sky?

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93. Was Prophet Isa taken possession of and raised to the sky?

 In this verse (3:55) Allah says He took possession of Prophet Isa and raised him up to the sky. 

The Arabic word for ‘taking possession’ here is ‘Mutawaffika’ which also translates as seizing, capturing, catching etc. and also making death.

Though there are many meanings to it in the dictionary, we need to take it as meaning ‘taken possession of’.

The meaning ‘taken possession of’, captured, can be seen used in verses 5:116-118 of the Quran. Please refer to Explanation point Nos 151, to know more about this verse. 

Please refer to explanations in no’s 101, 133, 134, 151, 278, 342, 456 to understand whether Prophet Isa is dead or would descend on earth in the last days and die. 

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